This is a simple microserver that implements a REST API to manage users and projects on the MOC's OpenShift clusters.
It implements the following functions:
1) Create a user.
a) API call:
get [cluster url]/users/<user-name>
b) Equivalent command line commands:
oc create user <user-name>
oc create identity sso_auth:<user-name>
oc useridentitymapping sso_auth:<user-name> <user-name>
2) Create a project.
a) API call:
get [cluster url]/projects/<project-name>
b) Equivalent command line commands:
oc create project <project-name>
3) Add a user to a project with a given role. Here the role may be one of 'admin', 'member' or 'reader'. In OpenShift, these roles are 'admin', 'edit', 'view' respectively.
a) API call:
get [cluster url]/users/<user-name>/projects/<project-name>/roles/<admin|member|reader>
b) Equivalent command line commands:
oc adm policy -n <project-name> add-role-to-user <admin|edit|view> <user-name>
4) Delete a user.
a) API call:
delete [cluster url]/users/<user-name>
b) Equivalent command line commands:
oc delete user <user-name>
oc delete identity sso_auth:<user-name>
5) Delete a project.
a) API call:
delete [cluster url]/projects/<project-name>
b) Equivalent command line commands:
oc delete project <project-name>
6) Remove a role from a user within a project. Role her is the same as the roles defined in 'Add a user to a project with a role'.
a) API call:
delete [cluster url]/users/<user-name>/projects/<project-name>/roles/<admin|member|reader>
b) Equivalent command line commands:
oc adm policy -n <project-name> rm-role-from-user <admin|edit|view> <user-name>
How to test: 1.1) testing with minishift 1.1.1) start minishift with the following commands
minishift start eval $(minishift docker-env oc login -u system:admin oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin developer" oc login -u developer docker login -u developer -p developer