Regression test suite for Nalu
Please proceed with following the build instructions under
The NaluRtest repository is cloned via,
git clone
Thus far, both the Nalu and NaluRtest git repository should have been cloned. Moreover, the build process has been completed with a naluX
executable created in the Nalu/build
Within the NaluRtest
directory is a file by the name of Executing this bash script,
will result in a temporary directory called runNaluRtest created in the ../ location.
The script also searches for a NaluProjectPath.txt
file that specifies the specific location in which the Nalu cloned repository resides should the default name of Nalu
not be in use.
Executing the script will provide the set of individual test PASSED/FAILED status. Code changes that result in any FAILED status is not to be pushed unless the formal reason for a fail are understood. At this point, the test gold copy norm file can be "re-blessed".
The PASSED/FAILED status is based on a set of integrated norms, time step and time step count at the end of time step. Simulations will report a FAILED status if any single time step has a set of results that are off by the test tolerance. Test tolerances are specified in the particular test
Re-running the script will check if directories are already in existance. If a previous test voucher provides a PASSED status, the successful test will not be run again.
Rtest Begin
..concentricRad............... PASSED
..edgeContact3D............... PASSED
..fluidsPmrChtPeriodic........ PASSED
..edgePipeCHT................. PASSED
..elemBackStepLRSST........... FAILED
..heliumPlume................. PASSED
Rtest End