An agent-based model system with deer, wolves and grass submitted for an 'Object Oriented Programming' course at the University of Oxford.
Assignment Background:
You have recently been contacted by a researcher from the research labo- ratory EcoSmart, who is interested in studying the relationship between prey (deer) and predators (wolves) in Yellowstone National Park. As your initial task, you are to implement a simple program that simulates an agent-based model of an ecosystem of deer, wolves, and grass on a bounded two-dimensional n-by-n grid, where n is an unknown parameter that will be determined later by a researcher in EcoSmart.
./gradlew build | compile all |
./gradlew test | run tests |
./gradlew jacoco | generate coverage |
./gradlew fatjar | create Jar with all dependencies |
./gradlew myjavadocs | generate Java Docs for project |