Format strings with HTML-like tags (Unity's Rich Text) in LINQ fashion
// Without String Formatter
Debug.Log($"Player's name: <color=red><size=16><i><b>{name}</b></i></size></color>");
// With String Formatter
Debug.Log($"Player's name: {name.Bold().Italic().Size(16).Red()});
// Reuse
var nameFormat = new FormattedStringBuilder().Bold().Italic().Size(16).Red();
Debug.Log($"Player One name: {nameFormat.Appy(name1)});
Debug.Log($"Player Two name: {nameFormat.Appy(name2)});
// Extend
public static FormattedStringBuilder Dead(this FormattedStringBuilder source)
source.Append("Player "); // Add before string. Used for opening tags
source.PushToEnd(" is dead!"); // Add after string. Used for closing tags
return source.Bold().Italic(); // Also make string bold and italic
public static FormattedStringBuilder Dead(this string source) => new FormattedStringBuilder(source).Dead();
The package is available on the openupm registry. It's recommended to install it via openupm-cli.
openupm add com.skibitsky.string-formatter
Open Packages/manifest.json with your favorite text editor. Add the following line to the dependencies block.
"dependencies": {
"com.skibitsky.string-formatter": ""
Notice: Unity Package Manager records the current commit to a lock entry of the manifest.json. To update to the latest version, change the hash value manually or remove the lock entry to resolve the package.
"lock": {
"com.skibitsky.string-formatter": {
"revision": "master",
"hash": "..."