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almost edited this page Jan 14, 2012 · 11 revisions

Please add any useful info or resources here!

If you need help ask, if you can help others then please do

None of this is set in stone, but unless there's good reason not to:

Authentication and login

Creating a new Github repo

Or you could always create it on your own github and SkiffHack will fork it.

Using Django

(all languages/frameworks/etc welcome)

Here are Heroku's Django instructions:

Or you can start from the template I made earlier here:

To use:

  • Clone from Github
  • Set the remote to a new github repo (see above)
  • run "heroku create --stack cedar" from the repo directory (You need the Heroku Toolbelt installed, it comes as an OSX Package or a windows EXE or a tarball)
  • set the SECRET_KEY with "heroku config:add SECRET_KEY=secret" (you need to select a random secret otherwise there will be security problems, try piping a bit of /dev/random into md5sum)
  • Run "git push heroku master"

The demo app is running here:

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