Page with a list of products where you can read and leave your review
According to a challenge task project have two front-end apps: MVP: with Vanilla JS, stores in a root of the project V2(React): stores in a /client folder
Backend: Firebase
npm install
npm run dev
You need to use LiveServer or other plugins that will reload public/index.html on file update
cd client
npm install
npm run test
npm run start
If you want to deploy it with your Firebase:
Create firebase project
And place your firebaseConfig into src/db.js (MVC) and client/src/db.js (React)
For MVC: run from Root folder:
npm run build
firebase login
firebase init
firebase deploy --only hosting:mvc
For V2(React): run from Client folder:
npm run test
npm run build
firebase login
firebase init
firebase deploy --only hosting:v2