The Lemur Engine is a PHP/MySQL/AIML Chatbot. Written using the Laravel Framework.
You can demo the bot at the website:
The Lemur Engine is written in Laravel so you can just bring her up as you would any Laravel project.
If you would prefer to use the included Vagrant method then follow the instructions below.
You will need the following installed on your machine to run the Lemur Engine locally.
- Virtual Box
- Vagrant
Follow the steps below to set this up on your machine.
Copy .env.sample to .env and fill in the details.
The .env.sample file has already has the default vagrant DB settings.
You may need to change these to match your settings.
Create an entry in your /etc/hosts file lemurengine.local
Start the server, login and go to the root directory
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
Create the database - the login details below are the default vagrant mysql settings. In this example the database is called 'lemurengine'.
mysql -uroot -psecret
create database lemurengine;
On the VM inside the /vagrant directory run composer to install the dependencies.
cd /vagrant
COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer install
On the VM inside the /vagrant directory and run the following commands to set up Laravel
cd /vagrant
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
php artisan storage:link
If you encounter a symlink() error when running the last command then exit the vm and try to run the same command from the project root in the host machine.
You should now be able to access Lemur Engine locally on http://lemurengine.local
The default local url is http://lemurengine.local
You should be able to log in as an admin the following:
User: admin@lemurengine.local
Password: password
Change this password either directly using tinker. Or using the forgotten email feature at the front of the site.
Read the Lemur Docs here:
To run the tests on the VM type
cd /vagrant
php artisan test --testsuite=All
If you would like to contribute to this project please read the guidelines set out in