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XYGrid_nodes for InvokeAI

Discord link:- XYImage To Grid

Thanks To:
@dwringer and @JPPhoto for many hours of testing and support during the development of the tiled scaling workflows and associated nodes.
@JPPhoto for creating most of the smart seam code and also the Minimum Overlap version of the Tile Generator.
@Jaid for the PR to add the Percentage To Float node and inspiration for improving and reworking the sorting to handle it.


These nodes add the following to InvokeAI:

  • Generate grids of images from multiple input images
  • Create XY grid images with labels from parameters
  • Split images into overlapping tiles for processing (for super-resolution workflows)
  • Recombine image tiles into a single output image blending the seams

The nodes include:




There are two options to install the nodes:

  1. Recommended: Use Git to clone the repo into the invokeai/nodes directory. This allows updating via git pull.

    • In the InvokeAI nodes folder, run:

      For Latest Invoke (4.0+):

      git clone

      For Invoke (3.5-3.7):

      git clone
  2. Manually download & then place them in a subfolder under invokeai/nodes.

Important: If you have a previous version of these nodes (pre-Invoke 3.4) installed in .env, delete the old to avoid errors. Existing workflows may need updating due to node name and parameter changes. See included workflows for examples.


Run a git pull from the XYGrid_nodes folder.

Or run update.bat or

For manual installs, download and replace the files.


Delete the XYGrid_nodes folder. Or rename it to _XYGrid_nodes so InvokeAI will ignore it.

Known issues

  • Images To Grids output images don't automatically appear onscreen on a board.
    • Refresh the browser or force the board to load more images.
    • Or add iterate and show/save image nodes to the output of the Images To Grids node.
  • Image generation will stop with an invalid scheduler name.


  • Fix the Images To Grids node output not automatically appearing onscreen in the board without workarounds
  • Add other "types to string" and "string to types" conversions for other parameters e.g. Lora, images etc...
  • Create a useable way to select multiple things from a list (checkbox selection) to enable selecting things from lists like models and Loras etc

Example workflows

Example workflows are in the workflows folder.

Main Nodes

Images To Grids node

Creates image grids from a collection of input images. Multiple image grids are created if more images than fit in one.

Workflow Example

i2g_rndRange_wf.json i2g_rndrange_wf

Output Example

Grid-1: i2g-output1-1 Grid-2: i2g-output1-2



  • Board: Board to save images
  • Images: Input images
  • Columns: Images per row
  • Rows: Rows per grid
  • Space: Space between images
  • Scale Factor: Resize amount
  • Resample Mode: Resize method
  • Background Color: Grid background color

XYImages To Grids node

Converts an XYImages collection into a labeled image grid. The XYImages collection is built using the supporting nodes.

Workflow Examples

xygrid_csv-prompt-cfg_wf.json xygrid_csv-prompt-cfg_wf

xygrid_csv-step-cfg_wf.json xygrid_csv-step-cfg_wf

xygrid_csv-step-scheduler_wf.json xygrid_csv-step-scheduler_wf

xygrid_range-step-cfg_wf.json xygrid_range-step-cfg_wf

Output Examples

xygrid_csv-prompt-cfg_example xygrid_csv-step-cfg_example
xygrid_csv-step-cfg_example xygrid_csv-step-scheduler_example
xygrid_csv-step-scheduler_example xygrid_range-step-cfg_example


XYImages To Grids Node

  • Board: Board to save
  • XYImages: XYImage Item collection. Created by XYImage Collect node fed into a Collect node
  • Scale Factor: Image resize amount
  • Resample Mode: Resize method
  • Left Label Width: Label column width
  • Label Font Size: Label font size

XYImage Tiles nodes

These nodes are designed to work together in a workflow. They allow you to split an image into tiles, process them, and then recombine them into an image.

  • Default XYImage Tile Generator: Default version of a tile generator
  • Even Split XYImage Tile Generator: Even Split version of a tile generator
  • Minimum Overlap XYImage Tile Generator: Minimum Overlap version of a tile generator
  • Image To XYImage Tiles: Cuts input image into overlapping image tiles. Input from a tile generator node
  • XYImage Tiles To Image: Merges tiles into a single image, blending the overlapping areas.
  • Crop Latents: cuts a section from a latent image (Used in the global noise versions of example workflows)

The advantage of these nodes is that they enable you to work with larger images than usual by dividing them into smaller tiles, applying transformations, and stitching them back together. The nodes can also create overlapping tiles to improve consistency between tiles, and then blend the overlaps when reconstructing the image.

These nodes are not very intuitive to use, so I recommend checking out the example workflow and experimenting with it.


The best use case is to create a super-resolution effect, similar to Invoke's old Embiggen or Automatic1111's Super Resolution. This is done with the help of the Tile controlnet to regenerate each tile at a higher resolution, and then recombine them into a much larger image. You can also try other image control methods, but the Tile controlnet seems to produce the most consistent results. You can also use no prompts at all and still get an OK image, but using the input image's original generation settings and prompts will generally give more consistent results.

Tile Generators

These take an image and output a Tiles structure (xy cords of the tiles) to cut the image into smaller tiles.

This Tiles structure can then be passed onto the Image To XYImage Tiles node to do the actual tile cutting of an image.

Default XYImage Tile Generator

Default Tile Generator

  • If the tiles don't divide perfectly into the source image then a final tile is created starting at the right edge of the image. This means that the last tile and row of tiles can have a larger overlap unless you choose a tile size and overlap carefully.

Even Split XYImage Tile Generator

Even Split Tile Generator

  • Takes a number of tiles and an overlap value (tile Percentage) and produces evenly sized tiles and overlaps that automatically remain as multiples of 8. (Multiples of 8 are needed for image generation reasons)

Minimum Overlap XYImage Tile Generator

Minimum Overlap Tile Generator -Keeps tiles at a fixed size but adjusts the overlap to be even across the image but always above the minimum.

Image To XYImage Tiles

Takes a Tiles structure as input and cuts up an image into multiple tiles. Outputting in an XYImages collection. This is then fed into an iterate node and fed into an XYImage Expand so each tile can be processed individually.

XYImage Tiles To Image

This takes an XYImages collection as output from XYImage Collect -> Collect nodes and recombines them blending the overlap areas and producing a single image. The result is a smooth and seamless image that preserves the details of each tile. It uses the X & Y parameters as coordinates to reconstruct the image.
You have Linear and Smart blend modes.

  • Linear just blends the whole overlapping area from neighboring tiles.
  • Smart tries to find an ideal path between tiles and blurs then together on this. The Blur value is used to adjust how large an area is blended.

Workflow Example
Output Example

Input: xyimage_tile-input

2X Output: xyimage_tile-output

Node Images

Default XYImage Tile Generator

Default XYImage Tile Generator

Even Split XYImage Tile Generator

Even Split XYImage Tile Generator

Minimum Overlap XYImage Tile Generator

Minimum Overlap XYImage Tile Generator

Image To XYImage Tiles


XYImage Tiles To Image


Crop Latents

Crop Latents


Default XYImage Tile Generator

  • Image: Input Image
  • Tile Width: Width of the tile to cut
  • Tile Height: Height of the tile to cut
  • Overlap: Overlap to use for each tile

Even Split XYImage Tile Generator

  • Image: Input Image
  • Num X Tiles: The number of tiles to split the image into on the X-axis
  • Num Y Tiles: The number of tiles to split the image into on the Y-axis
  • Overlap: Overlap amount of the tile (0..1)

Minimum Overlap XYImage Tile Generator

  • Image: Input Image
  • Tile Width: Width of the tile to cut
  • Tile Height: Height of the tile to cut
  • Min Overlap: Minimum Overlap to use for each tile

Image To XYImage Tiles

  • Tiles: Tiles structure output by a tile generator

XYImage Tiles To Image

  • XY Images: XYImage collection. This comes from feeding the X & Y outputs of the XYImage Expand node and the regenerated tile image into the XYImage Collect node and then into a Collect node.
  • Board: Board to save to
  • Blend Mode: Linear or Smart
  • Blur Size: Blur sized used with Smart blend

Crop Latents

  • Latents: Latents to be cropped

Image To XYImages node

This is probably not a very useful node to most people. I created it for testing purposes while creating the Tile resize workflow. However, I have included it because someone might find a use for it.

It takes an image and cuts it up into a number of columns and rows. Then outputs an XYImage collection. The X & Y items contain the X & Y coordinates of where it was cut from the input image.

It is the less useful baby brother of the Image To XYImage Tiles node as it doesn't do overlapping regions. If you wish to scale the images then the X & Y values will also have to be scaled before they can be recombined. I put together an example simple scaling workflow that isn't that useful but does demonstrate how it might be used.

Workflow Examples

i2xyi_scale_wf.json i2xyi_scale_wf

Output Example




Input Descriptions
  • Image: Input image
  • Columns: Number of columns
  • Rows: Number of rows

Supporting Nodes

Helper nodes for data wrangling and building XYImage collections:

These nodes are used to create the XY Item and XYImage collections that drive the XYImage To Grid node.
The processing order is as follows XY Data -> XY Product or XY Product CSV -> Iterate -> XY Expand -> Image Generation -> XY Image Collect -> Collect -> XYImages to Grid

The best way to understand this is to look at the XYGrid workflow examples and play with them.

XY Data Inputs and XY Product Nodes

These nodes provide ways of inputting and converting the X & Y data into a collection of strings that the XY Product node can use.

Node Description
Model To String Converts an generic Model to a string. All models listed with no filters
The intended use is to be fed into a collect node that can then be passed into the XY Product node.
Main Model To String Converts an SD Main Model to a string.
The intended use is to be fed into a collect node that can then be passed into the XY Product node.
SDXL Model To String Converts an SDXL Model to a string.
The intended use is to be fed into a collect node that can then be passed into the XY Product node.
SD3 Model To String Converts an SD3 Model to a string.
The intended use is to be fed into a collect node that can then be passed into the XY Product node.
Flux Model To String Converts an SDXL Model to a string.
The intended use is to be fed into a collect node that can then be passed into the XY Product node.
Lora To String Converts a lora Model to a string.
The intended use is to be fed into a collect node that can then be passed into the XY Product node.
Scheduler To String Converts a scheduler to a string.
The intended use is to be fed into a collect node that can then be passed into the XY Product node.
Floats To Strings Converts a Float or collections of Floats to a collection of strings.
The intended use is to take a float collection from a Float Range node that can be passed into the XY Product node.
Ints To Strings Converts an Integer or collection of Integers to a collection of strings.
The intended use is to take an Integer collection from an Integer Range node that can be passed into the XY Product node.
CSV To Strings Converts a CSV string to a collection of strings.
The output of this is intended as input to the XY Product node. This uses the standard CSV style notation, like quoted strings
XY Product Takes individual X & Y string collections and outputs the product of these (a collection that has every combination of X and Y) as an XY Item collection.
This is then passed into an iterate node and each XY Item is then passed one at a time into an XY Expand node.
XY Product CSV This is two CSV To Strings nodes and an XY Product node combined into a single node for convenience. Taking X & Y CSV strings and outputting the product of these as an XY Item collection.
This is then passed into an iterate node and each combination is then passed one at a time into a XY Expand node.
Node Example images

CSV CFG Step Example CSV Prompt Step text CSV CFG Step Example

XY Expand, XYImage Expand, Data Output & XY Image Collect nodes

These nodes provide a way of extracting the X and Y data from XY & XYImage collections and converting the string back into types. Also collecting the resulting Image and XY data to pass onto the XYImages To Grid or XYImage Tiles To Image nodes.

Node Description
XY Expand Extracts X & Y strings from an XY Item output of the XY Product -> iterate node.
The X & Y outputs can be passed to the X & Y inputs of the XYImage Collect node and used as the labels for the XYImage To Grid node.
The X & Y outputs can be used directly into node inputs that accept strings e.g. Prompt, String Join etc... However, before being used as input to other nodes they will need to be converted into the correct type. This can be done with the String To Float and String To Int nodes
XYImage Expand This is used as part of an XY Image Tile workflow. It extracts the X, Y & Image tile from an XYImage Item output of the Image To XYImage Tile -> iterate node.
The X & Y outputs MUST be passed to X & Y inputs of the XYImage Collect node as is to ensure the recombination works.
The Image output is used with a Tile controlnet (or similar method) to generate a new up-scaled Image Tile. These are then also passed into the XYImage Collect node and then finally onto the XYImage Tile To Image node.
Percent To Float Converts a string to a float and divides it by 100. This is useful for instances where you want to define a fraction as a percentage. Ths could be used used as input by nodes that accept the float but especially ones that expect a fraction like Denoise start/end etc...
String To Float Converts a string to a float. This is needed to convert the output of the XY Expand node before it can be used as input by nodes that accept the float data type e.g. CFG, Denoise start/end etc...
String To Int Converts a string to an integer. This is needed to convert the output of the XY Expand node before it can be used as input by nodes that accept the integer data type e.g. Step, Width, Height etc....
String To Scheduler Converts a string to a scheduler. This is needed to convert the output of the XY Expand node before it can be used as input by nodes that accept the scheduler data type. Scheduler has to be provided as a string via a CSV and string based node in the internal name format.
It is suggested to use the Scheduler To String node to generate the input. You can also use plain text from the following values (ddim, ddpm, deis, lms, lms_k, pndm, heun, heun_k, euler, euler_k, euler_a, kdpm_2, kdpm_2_a, dpmpp_2s, dpmpp_2s_k, dpmpp_2m, dpmpp_2m_k, dpmpp_2m_sde, dpmpp_2m_sde_k, dpmpp_sde, dpmpp_sde_k, unipc) if in the future these are added to then the list can be found in the core file
String To Main Model Converts a string to an SD Main Model. This is needed to convert the output of the XY Expand node before it can be used as input into the Main Model Input node
String To SDXL Model Converts a string to an SDXL Main Model. This is needed to convert the output of the XY Expand node before it can be used as input into the SDXL Main Model Input node
String To Lora Converts a string to an LoRA Model. This is needed to convert the output of the XY Expand node before it can be used as input into a lora node
String To Model Converts a string to a generic Model. This is needed to convert the output of the XY Expand node before it can be used as input into one of the XXX Main Model Input nodes
Main Model Input Inherited version of the core Main Model node with the model exposed as an input
SDXL Main Model Input Inherited version of the core SDXL Main Model node with the model exposed as an input
SD3 Main Model Input Inherited version of the core SD3 Main Model node with the models exposed as an input
Flux Main Model Input Inherited version of the core Flux Main Model node with the models exposed as an input
XYImage Collect The job of this node is to collect the generated Images and the X & Y items in a single place so they can be passed onto the Collect node and then onto the XYImage To Grid or XYImage Tile To Image nodes.
Node Example images

XY-Collect-Model-Scheduler-example XY Expand and XY Image Collect XY-CSV-Expand-ToString-ImageCollect-example XYCollectCSV-Scheduler-example


Invoke AI nodes for XYGrid and supporting nodes







No packages published

Contributors 4

