Make sure scala and sbt are installed, if not, please install them first.
1). Clone the repository
git clone
cd gearpump-test-framework
2). Build package
## The target package path: target/gearpump-test-framework-$VERSION.tar.gz
sbt clean packArchive ## Or use: sbt clean pack-archive
After the build, there will be a package file gearpump-test-framework-${version}.tar.gz generated under target/ folder.
3). Unpack the package file
You need to flatten the .tar.gz file to use it, on Linux, you can
# please replace ${version} below with actual version used
tar -zxvf gearpump-test-framework-${version}.tar.gz
4). Run the framework
To run a suite of tests from the command line, you can use the Application. The basic form of a Runner invocation is:
scala [-cp scalatest-<version>.jar:...] [arguments]
The arguments Runner accepts please check the scalatest doc
For example, on Linux:
scala -classpath "lib/scalatest_2.11-2.2.4.jar:lib/*" -R lib/gearpump-linux-test-0.1.jar -f report.log -o
This command will run all the test cases in gearpump-linux-test-0.1.jar, "-R" specifies the runpath and "-f" causes test results to be written to the named file, "-o" causes test results to be written to the standard output. You can also specifies a suite class to run by using "-s".
Please check scalatest doc for more information about the command.