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This image is used for automatic database backup on any S3 endpoint.

You can easily setup a cron on a kubernetes cluster for any kind of databases.

Image : skyloud/job-backup-db available on docker hub !


Kind Status
Postgres ✔ Done
Mysql ⚡️ In progress
MariaDB ✔ Done
MongoDB ✔ Done

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Other settings

How to follow backup jobs to be done with a heartbeat system. Use BAGCLI_HEARTBEAT_URL that will make a GET curl request at the end of job when succeed. Job will fail if request fail too.


Configure S3

You'll need to setup a policy for a newly created user which will be used for this backup.

Copy this policy in postgres-prod-backup-policy.json :

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [

Configure your policy on minio :

mc admin policy add s3 project-prod-postgres-policy s3-postgres-prod-policy.json
mc admin user add s3 project-prod-postgres-user my_very_strong_key_uuid_v4
mc admin policy set s3 project-prod-postgres-policy user=project-prod-postgres-user


You'll need to setup a policy for a newly created user which will be used for this backup.

Copy this policy in mongodb-prod-backup-policy.json :

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [

Configure your policy on minio :

mc admin policy add s3 project-prod-mongodb-policy s3-mongodb-prod-policy.json
mc admin user add s3 project-prod-mongodb-user my_very_strong_key_uuid_v4
mc admin policy set s3 project-prod-mongodb-policy user=project-prod-mongodb-user


You'll need to setup a policy for a newly created user which will be used for this backup.

Copy this policy in mariadb-prod-backup-policy.json :

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [

Configure your policy on minio :

mc admin policy add s3 project-prod-mariadb-policy s3-mariadb-prod-policy.json
mc admin user add s3 project-prod-mariadb-user my_very_strong_key_uuid_v4
mc admin policy set s3 project-prod-mariadb-policy user=project-prod-mariadb-user

How to use

RClone configuration

You'll need to configure rclone to access your S3 endpoint.

type = s3
provider = minio
env_auth = false
access_key_id = my_very_strong_key_uuid_v4
secret_access_key = my_very_strong_key_uuid_v4
region = us-east-1
endpoint =
acl = private

With docker

Postgres Case

docker run --rm -it \
  -e BAGCLI_DATABASE_HOST="postgres.namespace.svc.cluster.local" \
  -e BAGCLI_DATABASE_USER="postgres" \
  -e BAGCLI_DATABASE_PASS="db_password" \
  -e BAGCLI_REMOTE_PATH="bucket/prod/postgres" \
  -e BAGCLI_WEBHOOK_CHANNEL: "#channel" \
  -v ./rclone.conf:/home/job/.config/rclone/rclone.conf \
  skyloud/job-backup-db postgres database-name

MongoDB case

docker run --rm -it \
  -e BAGCLI_DATABASE_URI="mongodb://mongoadmin:secret@mongodb-arbiter-0.mongodb-arbiter-headless.database:27017,mongodb-0.mongodb-headless.database:27017,mongodb-1.mongodb-headless.database:27017/mongodb_d_test?replicaSet=rs0&authSource=admin&retryWrites=true&w=majority" \
  -e BAGCLI_DATABASE_NAME="mongodb_d_test" \
  -e BAGCLI_REMOTE_PATH="bucket/prod/mongodb" \
  -e BAGCLI_WEBHOOK_CHANNEL: "#channel" \
  -v ./rclone.conf:/home/job/.config/rclone/rclone.conf \
  skyloud/job-backup-db mongodb

MariaDB case

docker run --rm -it \
  -e BAGCLI_MONGODB_HOST="mariadb.namespace.svc.cluster.local" \
  -e BAGCLI_REMOTE_PATH="bucket/prod/mariadb" \
  -e BAGCLI_WEBHOOK_CHANNEL: "#channel" \
  -v ./rclone.conf:/home/job/.config/rclone/rclone.conf \
  skyloud/job-backup-db mongodb

With Docker-compose

docker-compose build --nocache && docker-compose up -d

With kubernetes


Note : Please update the file kubernetes.yaml with your own values.

kubectl apply -f example/kubernetes_postgres.yaml

If you want to back up all the databases, you should take the example of this file :

kubectl apply -f example/kubernetes_postgres_dumpall.yaml


Note : Please update the file kubernetes_mongodb.yaml with your own values.

kubectl apply -f example/kubernetes_mongodb.yaml


Note : Please update the file kubernetes_mariadb.yaml with your own values.

kubectl apply -f example/kubernetes_mariadb.yaml



If you want to set up a webhook call, you must define the following variables :

  • BAGCLI_WEBHOOK_URL --> the complete url with its token
  • BAGCLI_WEBHOOK_CHANNEL --> channel name

Enjoy !


View our changelog here