This Postgres extension will rewrite all VARCHAR/TEXT columns with poop emojis. Only tested with pg15.
The extension was originally created as a demo plugin of pgextmgrext, which is an extension manager (as an extension) that extends Postgres hooks to make it easier to develop Postgres extensions. The version using pgext can be found here.
git clone && cd pg_poop
make PG_CONFIG={PATH TO pg_config} USE_PGXS=1 install
pgextmgr=# select '1';
(1 row)
pgextmgr=# LOAD 'pg_poop';
pgextmgr=# select '1';
(1 row)
pg_poop will use the ExecutorRun
hook in Postgres and replace the output destination with pg_poop's custom destination
pipe. In the pipe, it will find all varchar/text columns, get the size of the datum, and replace it with poop emojis of
the same length.
One alternative way to do pg_poop is to hook the planner and wrap all varchar/text output column with a function that replaces all chars with emoji, which is how it worked in PostgreSQL Anonymizer extension.