copy the vyroai folder into your project
then, scroll down to
to obtain your vyro.ai token -
after that, it's really really really easy to use. you can reference the function with the following:
const { generateImage } = require('./vyroai/imagine.js');
and generate an image with
await generateImage("beautiful girl", "16:9", "ANIME_V2");
there are additional examples in the ./examples folder (upscale, interrogator, etc.)
you'll need your vyro.ai token to use this. don't worry, afaik there are no limits on your token.
to get your token,
- navigate to https://imagine.art, and open developer tools. (
Ctrl + Shift + I
in most browsers) - go to the console, paste this handy dandy script, and press enter:
const token = localStorage.getItem('token');
if (token) {
const tempInput = document.createElement('input');
tempInput.value = token;
console.log('%cDone!', 'font-size: 50px; color: red;');
console.log(`%cYou now have your token in the clipboard!`, 'font-size: 16px; color: red;');
console.log(`%cDidn't work? Copy it manually: ${token}`, 'font-size: 13px; color: red;');
} else {
console.log('%cToken not found in localStorage. Please login/signup, then try again.', 'font-size: 24px; color: red;');
- rename
, and set the value to whatever was copied to your clipboard.
it's worth noting that bearer's expire one hour (previously 24h) after creation. this is obviously not great, as you're not going to change your bearer every hour. i will be searching for ways to evade this.
- remove the need to use bearer at all
- add variate (img2img)
add remix a.k.a. controlnet (img & text 2 img)make image generation return image data instead of directly downloadingadd interrogator (img2text)add upscale (img2img)
- vyro.ai for the api (duh)