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PyRogue General Purpose Control Server


This packages generates a general purpose control server interface to an FPGA using Rogue.

Two python scripts are provided for starting a pyrogue-based server or client:

  • python/
  • python/

For each one of these python scripts, bash startup scripts are provide. They prepare the environment and launch the python scripts:



In order to run this software, you need:

  • Python3
  • An instance of Rogue. A setup script called "" must be provided at the top level, which sources the rogue's environment.
  • An instance of the PCIe software (if the PCIe card is present in the system).
  • An instance of EPICS (is the EPICS server is intended to be used).

You can create setup scripts named setup_*.sh with the commands to setup the environment for each case. For example, with the setup for Rogue, with the setup for EPICS, and so on. The bash scripts (, will source all the setup scripts defined in the top directory.

Communication protocol supported

Currently, the control server supports both Ethernet and PCIe communications. In both Ethernet, RSSI interleaved and not-interleaved are supported; PCIe communication only supports RSSI interleaved.

Functionalities provided by the server

The control server provides a wrapper around pyrogue, and provides functionalities common to most applications.

First of all, the untar the pyrogue tarball in a temporal location and setups the python environment so that Rogue can locate all the application classes definitions. Then it calls script with the updated environment.

Secondly, the start a rogue Root device, and attached to it an instance of the common module FpgaTopLevel. It then add the following modules provided by Rogue:

  • A dataWriter to the 8 DDR streams,
  • A dataWriter to the 8 streaming interface streams,
  • A RunControl,
  • An EPICS server (if enabled by the user), with:
    • PVs to read the data from the DDR streams with the possibility to select a maximum number of points,
      • In the obsoleted PCAS server, it also provides additional PV for:
        • Set the data format,
        • Set the data byte order,
    • A PV to load a default configuration file, specified by the user when the server is started,
    • A wrapper to call the function to dump the PV name list to a file when the server is started,
  • A Pyro4 server (if enabled by the user)
  • A wrapper to disable the Rogue polling when the server is started

Additionally, the automatically handles the PCIe card configuration, depending if the card is present in the system, and the type of communication choose by the user in the following way:

  • If the PCIe card is present in the system:
    • All the RSSI connection links which point to the target IP address will be closed.
    • If PCIe communication type is used, the RSSI connection is open in the specific link. Also, when the the server is closed, the RSSI connection is closed.
  • If the PCIe card is not present:
    • If PCIe communication type is used, the program is terminated.
    • If ETH communication type is used, then this class does not do anything.

Server arguments

Usage: ./ -t|--tar <pyrogue.tar.gz>  [-a|--addr IP_address] [-d|--defaults config_file] [-s|--server]
                         [-p|--pyro group_name] [-e|--epics prefix]  [-n|--nopoll] [-b|--stream-size byte_size]
                         [-f|--stream-type data_type]  [-c|--commType comm_type] [-l|--slot slot_number] [-h|--help]

    -t|--tar <pyrogue.tar.gz>  : tarball file with pyrogue definitions.
    -a|--addr IP_address       : FPGA IP address. Mandatory if Ethernet communication is used.
    -d|--defaults config_file  : Default configuration file
    -p|--pyro group_name       : Start a Pyro4 server with group name "group_name"
    -e|--epics prefix          : Start an EPICS server with PV name prefix "prefix"
    -s|--server                : Server mode, without staring a GUI (Must be used with -p and/or -e)
    -n|--nopoll                : Disable all polling
    -c|--commType comm_type    : Communication type with the FPGA (default to "eth-rssi-non-interleaved"
    -l|--pcie-rssi-link index  : PCIe RSSI link (only needed with PCIe). Supported values are 0 to 5
    -b|--stream-size data_size : Expose the stream data as EPICS PVs. Only the first "data_size" points will be exposed. (Must be used with -e)
    -f|--stream-type data_type : Stream data type (UInt16, Int16, UInt32 or Int32). Default is UInt16. (Must be used with -e and -b)
    -u|--dump-pvs file_name    : Dump the PV list to "file_name". (Must be used with -e)
    -h|--help                  : Show this message

Client arguments

usage: ./ -p|--pyro group_name [-h|--help]
    -p|--pyro group_name     : Pyro4 group name
    -h||--help               : show this message

Modes of operation

This package can be run in three different modes:

Local Mode

In this mode, a PyRogue server is run in the local host, and a GUI is launched in the same host attached to the server.

Optionally, a Pyro4 and/or EPICS server can be started too (with the -p and -e options respectively).

For example:

./ -t <pyrogue.tar.gz> -a <ip_addr> [-p pyro4_group] [-e epics_prefix]

Note: The FPGA must be connected to the local host so the PyRogue server can establish a communication path.

Server Mode

Use the argument s to enter this mode. In this case a PyRogue server is run in the local host but no GUI is launch.

The root is export to a Pyro4 name server so you can connect to the system with a client from a remote host. Also, an EPICS sever can be started as well in this mode.

To enter this mode, use the argument s. Note that in this case, it is mandatory that either the argument p or e are used.

For example:

./ -t <pyrogue.tar.gz> -a <ip_addr> -s [-g pyro4_group] [-e epics_prefix]

Note: The FPGA must be connected to the local host so the PyRogue server can establish a communication path.

Client Mode

In this mode a client is started on the local host. The client looks for a remote name server, connects to it and looks for the Pyro4 group name. If founds, it will get the root and launch a GUI.

You must specify the Pyro4 group name used to start the server.

For example:

./ [-g pyro4_group]


A Docker image containing Rogue and this control server is provided with each tagged released of this repository. You can find more information in here