Native audio for unsupported codecs in Mac OS Hight Sierra 10.13 with Clover This cloverHDA.kext enables audio/sound on Mac OS Sierra 10.13
1 - Vanilla/Native AppleHDA
2 - a good Kext Installer or [EastKextPro](
3 - Property List Editors - Xcode or Property List Editor, PlistEdit Pro, TextEdit, etc.
4 - must have CLOVER/config.plist
i. RtVariables/BooterConfig/0x28
ii. RtVariables/CsrActiveConfig/0x3
1 - Download cloverHDA.kext as per your Audio ID's
2 - Install using EastKextPro or any Kext Installer to /S/L/E
3 - Now apply patches from cloverHDA.plist to your Clover config.plist
4 - Add Layout_ID = 13 , 11 or 12 as described in ReadME.txt (You don't have to do this if using method HDAEnabler or HDEF Patch)
5 - Restart
1 - Use a good plistEditor e.g PlistEdit Pro,Xcode,CloverConfigurator,CloverConfigurator Pro
2 - open cloverHDA.plist , goto KernelAndKextPatches -> KextsToPatch like in below screenshot
3 - copy all patches to your config.plist (one by one or all once ,its depend on your plist editor)
Note : for Layout_ID you can use DSDT (HDEF Patch) or Clover (Clover/Config.plist/Devices/Audio/Inject=Audio_ID) or HDAEnabler's kexts
for Desktop's:
1 - Layout_ID 11 = 5/6 ports supported (Pink, Green, Blue) (Note : No JackSense (without auto-switch) , you have to manually select between output/input device's , )
2 - Layout_ID 13 = 5/6 ports supported (Grey, Black, Laranja, Pink, Green, Blue)
for Laptop's :
1 - Layout_ID 13 = 3/5 ports supported (Black, Pink, Green, Blue)
You must have one of the following DEVICE_ID/Codec name described below :
1 - Realtek ALC to Desktop's: ALC887, ALC888, ALC891, ALC892
2 - Realtek ALC to Laptop's: ALC255, ALC269, ALC269VC, ALC269VB, ALC270, ALC271, ALC272, ALC275, ALC282, ALC292, ALC298, ALC662, ALC665, ALC898 , ALC88
3 - Conexant for laptop's: CX20590,CX20724 ,CX20752
4 - IDT for Laptop's: IDT92HD71B7X,IDT92HD73C1X5, IDT92HD75B2X5, IDT92HD75B2X5, IDT92HD81B1X5, IDT92HD90BXX, IDT92HD91BXX, IDT92HD93BXX
5 - VIA Laptop's: VT1802
6 - Cirrus Logic Laptop's: CS4213 and CS4210
1.No Audio after installation : basically this happens due to CloverHDA is not loaded or LayoutID is not used either via DSDT(HDEF Patch) or Clover (config.plist) , also make sure that VoodooHDA or AppleALC is not installed.
2.Headphone/Microphone is not working : you have to use Codec_commander , if still issue exist you need to make custom profil for Codec_commander so it can work with your codec.
3.No Audio after Sleep : use EAPDFix or Codec_Commander , customize its info.plist as per your requirements.
4.Device show but no Audio : Some laptops requires to use FakePCIID , use always latest version of FakePCIID from rehabman.
5.if still not geting sound devices then : please report with Requested files ,
You must have all files requested in Troubleshooting
1. Use Ubuntu or Any Version of Linux Distro (Note : Use the latest version of Linux and Alsa drivers )
2. Open Terminal and copy paste below Code :
~/Desktop && mkdir CodecDump && for c in /proc/asound/card*/codec#*; do f="${c/\/*card/card}"; cat "$c" > CodecDump/${f//\//-}.txt; done && zip -r CodecDump
3. On Desktop there’s a folder/file name Codec_dump
4. Save this to safe place
This kext is based on PikeRAlpha's DummyHDA method and Clover Patches on fly method's
PikeRAlpha, Mirone, EmlyDinesh, The king, Master Chief, RevoGirl, toleda, bcc9, TimeWalker and many others who contributed to AppleHDA patching.