Project Euler ( is an addictive and fun way to learn a new language and practice your craft. This repository is a scaffold for solving Euler problems using Clojure. It generates specs and solution stubs in an organized structure, making life just a little bit better.
If you don't have Leiningen installed, download this script and add it to you path.
Check out this project:
$ git clone
Download dependencies:
$ lein deps
Run the specs:
$ lein spec F 1) 'Euler Problem #1 Solves #1' FAILED Expected: <-1> got: nil (using =) /Users/micahmartin/Projects/clojure/euler/problem001_spec.clj:11 Finished in 0.00288 seconds 1 examples, 1 failures
Euler Problem #1 is ready to go with two files pre-generated:
- spec file:
- source file:
In the source file you'll fine a link to the problem on the Project Euler web site. Plan your solution then write a test, make it pass, repeat. Each generated spec file contains one example (or test), that you'll need to edit. Feel free to add more.
When you're ready for a new problem, generate stubs. A Leiningen task has been provided to do this for you. Simple provide the problem number.
$ lein euler 2
writing 247 bytes to spec/euler/level1/problem002_spec.clj
writing 52 bytes to src/euler/level1/problem002.clj
Run all the specs:
$ lein spec
Run one spec or one directory
$ lein spec spec/euler/<file or dir name>
My favorite way to run the spec is to use the auto runner. Start her up and she'll run specs every time you touch a file.
$ lein spec -a
or for nicer output (for reasons we won't go into, commands run using Leiningen get whitespace stripped)
$ java -cp `lein classpath` speclj.main -a -c
Remember this is a learning exercise. There's plenty of stuff to practice:
- Clojure
- Writing Clean Code
- Good Design
- Refactoring
- Organization
Contributions are welcome. Just submit a pull request.
Copyright (C) 2020 Micah Martin
Distributed under the MIT License.