A Yeoman generator for spinning up Express web-server projects, specifically scaffolding microservice endpoints that can then be hooked up to real back-end systems.
You'll need NodeJS installed before you can install/run this project. Head over to XYZ and install NodeJS if you don't have it already.
With NodeJS installed, run the following to install Yeoman:
npm install -g yo
Next, run the following to install generator-microservice-catalog from npm:
npm install -g generator-microservice-catalog
Simple - initiate the generator:
yo microservice-catalog
To generate new endpoints:
yo microservice-catalog:endpoint <NAME>
Where is the name of the endpoint. You'll be asked what methods to create (GET/POST/DELETE/etc)
From the directory in which you've run yo
, run node app
to fire up the microservice catalog you've created. Next, open up a web browser to localhost:8080
If you'd like to get to know Yeoman better, check out the complete Getting Started Guide.