A tool for proxy kernel extensions generation.
The tool is used to generate a proxy kext for Mac OS X to export kernel symbols/functions which are not available via Apple provided proxy drivers com.apple.kpi.bsd , com.apple.kpi.dsep , com.apple.kpi.iokit , com.apple.kpi.libkern , com.apple.kpi.mach , com.apple.kpi.private , com.apple.kpi.unsupported .
For example to get access to mac_proc_set_enforce , proc_iterate , proc_lock , proc_unlock run the following script. The generated binary file should be places in kext bundle's Contents/MacOS folder, you also need Contents/Info.plist as for any regular kernel extension( for example look at Info.plist in any of the Apple's proxy kernel extensions ). This kext bundle should be declared as a dependency in OSBundleLibraries for a kernel extension using the exported functions, if you use kextload/kextutil use -d flag to declare dependency on load.
# old MacOS X placed the kernel in the root directory
# nm -gj /mach_kernel > allsymbols
# on the lates macOS the kernel can be found at /System/Library/Kernels
nm -gj /System/Library/Kernels/kernel > allsymbols
echo "_mac_proc_set_enforce" > ${NAME}.exports
echo "_proc_iterate" >> ${NAME}.exports
echo "_proc_lock" >> ${NAME}.exports
echo "_proc_unlock" >> ${NAME}.exports
# include any more symbols needed
dl_kextsymboltool -arch i386 -import allsymbols -export ${NAME}.exports -output ${NAME}_32
dl_kextsymboltool -arch x86_64 -import allsymbols -export ${NAME}.exports -output ${NAME}_64
# make a universal kext
lipo -create ${NAME}_32 ${NAME}_64 -output ${NAME}