A Mustache & Json Library for C++
Templates can be specified using mustache syntax: https://mustache.github.io/mustache.5.html
- Subset of mustache implemented (and some additions):
- Literals
- Support for SOME escape characters added (\r\n\t)
- Variables
- Partials
- Added ability to isolate the child scope to prevent infinite recursion in partials (the context would no longer have access to its parent context)
- {{>partial}} {{>>isolated-partial}}
- Sections
- Inverse
- Conditional (for truthy values)
- Iterator (for arrays)
- And some new additions:
- Comparisons:
- String Equality: {{#key=value}}
- String Inequality: {{#key!value}}
- Float Greater: {{#key>value}}
- Float Less: {{#key<value}}
- String In Set: {{#key$value1|value2|value3}}
- String Not In Set: {{#key^value1|value2|value3}}
- Comparisons:
- Literals