About Stockify:
Stockify is a messaging application. You can get latest insights into the stock market of the company you invested in. The application supports two trader types:
- Swing Trader -> Swing trading is a style of trading that attempts to capture short- to medium-term gains in a stock (or any financial instrument) over a period of a few days to several weeks. Swing traders primarily use technical analysis to look for trading opportunities.
- Day Trader -> Day traders are traders who execute intraday strategies to profit off relatively short-lived price changes for a given asset.
You enter the name of the company you have invested in or want to invest in. Select what type of trading style you want to follow(Day-Trading or Swing-Trading) and the following information and data will be messaged to you on your number:
- Percentage Change (different for Day-Trader and Swing-Trader)
- Twitter Sentiment Analysis Report
- If the sentiment analysis of the tweets are overall positive, then the application will suggest you to invest in the market for the company.
- If the sentiment analysis of the tweets are overall negative, then the application will suggest you not to invest in the market for the company.
- Shares a news related to the company - Headline, Brief and the whole news link. The number of news received can be altered in the program.
Here's the User Interface of the Stockify Application:
Made Using Tkinter
Modules used:
- requests
- datetime
- twilio.rest
- tweepy
- textblob
- pandas
- alpha_vantage.timeseries
- tkinter
APIs used:
- Alphavantage ( For Fetching Stock Data )
- Read about it and generate your API key, here: https://www.alphavantage.co/
- News API (For Fetching News Data )
- Read about it and generate your API key, here: https://newsapi.org/
- Tweepy ( For Fetching Tweets )
- Read about it and generate your consumer key, consumer secret, access token and access token secret, here: https://www.tweepy.org/
- Twilio ( For Messaging )
- Read about it and generate your account sid and auth token, here: https://www.twilio.com/
Important Points To Be Kept In Mind:
- If the user has not entered any company stock name in the entry section:
- User receives an "Error" pop-up.
- User receives a "Warning" pop-up as the Stock API being used is free and has its limitations. The user can only fetch Stock Data for Companies based in USA and Canada.
- If the user has entered a company stock name based in any country apart from USA or Canada:
- User receives a "Warning" pop-up as the Stock API being used is free and has its limitations. The user can only fetch Stock Data for Companies based in USA and Canada.
Stats Recevied By A Day Trader:
Company Chosen: IBM
Stats Recevied By A Swing Trader:
Company Chosen: APPL