A basic frontend website - Tindog AKA Tinder for Dogs. Dogs are adorable.
Here, I have used basic HTML, CSS, and Bootstrapping. The website is responsive and features 6 different sections.
- The intro page sonsits of the app name, a navigation bar consisting of Contact, Pricing and Download, the download buttons for Apple store and playstore and is followed by a cute image.
- The next section consists of the basic information about the site. This is kept minimum as users tend to focus on less time reading.
- This section consists of the reviews in a Carausel setup, and is followed by the Sponsers.
- This section consists of the payment features for the app.
- Again, we are emphasizing on the download section of the app.
- This section is the footer for the website.
Do check out the final outcome - My site is published at : https://slayk.github.io/tin/