This is now archived, since the presentation was back in 2012 and the code hasn't really changed, and doesn't need to.
This is code that accompanies a talk I gave on Apache ZooKeeper.
The slides can be found at
May 2017 Update:
- Updated ZooKeeper version to 3.4.10
- Updated Curator version to 2.12.0
- Changed all System.out to SLFJ Loggers
- A bunch of misc. code cleanup, e.g. converting anonymous inner classes to lambdas, using diamond operator, etc.
October 2023 update:
- Update Zookeeper version to 3.9.1
- Update Curator version to 5.5.0
- Update SLF4J version to 2.0.9 and remove SLF4J to Log4J bridge
- Update to use JDK 17
- Update plugins and several other dependencies, clean up the POM, etc.
- Switch to use JUnit 5 (Jupiter) and AssertJ assertions
- Remove test support classes EmbeddedZooKeeperServer and EmbeddedZooKeeperServerRule; they cause the tests to hang, and it's better to use Curator's testing server anyway