Create an application to consult in Pokéapi#
Create an application to consult the Pokedex and get the first 150 pokemons based on mockup below:
- Use Storyboard and Autolayout
- Dependency Manager. (e.g., Cocoapods)
- Network communication framework. (e.g., AFNetwork)
- Pokemon ordered list. Example on API:
- Pokemon Detail. Example on API:
- Detail screen must have Pokemon Name, Pokedex ID, Pokemon Picture, Species and Type or Types
- Async images loading
- Universal App, Ipad | Iphone | Landscape | Portrait (Size Classes)
- Images cache. (e.g., SDWebImage)
- Share Pokemons on facebook and twitter
- JSON -> Object Mapping. (e.g., Mantle)
- Functional Tests. (e.g., KIF)
The mockup photo in the assets folder
The candidate must implement the solution and send a pull request to this repository with his solution.
The Pull Request process works as follow:
- The candidate will make a fork from this repository (don't clone directly!).
- Develop your project that fork.
- Commit and Push the changes to own fork.
- By Bitbucket interface send us a Pull Request.
Do not try to do PUSH directly to THIIS repository!!