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Merge pull request #12 from slimgroup/verticalwell
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vertical wells
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ziyiyin97 authored Mar 8, 2023
2 parents fe2dc98 + f1fac7e commit 947483c
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Showing 13 changed files with 137 additions and 12 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "JutulDarcyAD"
uuid = "41f0c4f5-9bdd-4ef1-8c3a-d454dff2d562"
authors = ["Ziyi Yin <>"]
version = "0.2.0"
version = "0.2.1"

ChainRulesCore = "d360d2e6-b24c-11e9-a2a3-2a2ae2dbcce4"
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57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions examples/Vwell_2D.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
## A simple 2D example for fluid-flow simulation

using DrWatson
@quickactivate "JutulDarcyAD-example"

using JutulDarcyAD
using LinearAlgebra
using PyPlot

## grid size
n = (30, 1, 15)
d = (30.0, 30.0, 30.0)

## permeability
K0 = 200 * md * ones(n)
K = deepcopy(K0)
K[:,:,1:2:end] .*= 100

ϕ = 0.25
model = jutulModel(n, d, ϕ, K1to3(K))

## simulation time steppings
tstep = 50 * ones(10)
tot_time = sum(tstep)

## injection & production
inj_loc = (15, 1, 10) .* d
irate = 5e-3
q = jutulVWell(irate, (450., 30.); startz = 270., endz = 330.)

## set up modeling operator
S = jutulModeling(model, tstep)

## simulation
Trans = KtoTrans(CartesianMesh(model), K1to3(K))
Trans0 = KtoTrans(CartesianMesh(model), K1to3(K0))
@time states = S(log.(Trans), q)
@time states0 = S(log.(Trans0), q)

## plotting
imshow(reshape(Saturations(states.states[end]), n[1], n[end])'); colorbar(); title("saturation")
imshow(reshape(Pressure(states.states[end]), n[1], n[end])'); colorbar(); title("pressure")

## plotting
imshow(reshape(Saturations(states0.states[end]), n[1], n[end])'); colorbar(); title("saturation")
imshow(reshape(Pressure(states0.states[end]), n[1], n[end])'); colorbar(); title("pressure")

exist_co2 = sum(Saturations(states.states[end]) .* states.states[end].state[:Reservoir][:PhaseMassDensities][1,:] .* model.ϕ) * prod(model.d)
inj_co2 = JutulDarcyAD.ρCO2 * q.irate * * sum(tstep)

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion examples/compass.jl
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Expand Up @@ -166,4 +166,4 @@ for j=1:niterations


JLD2.@save "compass-inv.jld2" logK logK0 state
JLD2.@save "compass-inv.jld2" logK logK0 state
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/FlowAD/FlowAD.jl
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@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
### types
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/FlowAD/Operators/jutulModeling.jl
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display(M::jutulModeling{D, T}) where {D, T} =
println("$(D)D jutulModeling structure with $(sum(M.tstep)) days in $(length(M.tstep)) time steps")

function (S::jutulModeling{D, T})(LogTransmissibilities::AbstractVector{T}, f::jutulForce{D, N};
function (S::jutulModeling{D, T})(LogTransmissibilities::AbstractVector{T}, f::Union{jutulForce{D, N}, jutulVWell{D, N}};
state0=nothing, visCO2::T=T(visCO2), visH2O::T=T(visH2O),
ρCO2::T=T(ρCO2), ρH2O::T=T(ρH2O), info_level::Int64=-1) where {D, T, N}

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/FlowAD/Operators/rrule.jl
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
function rrule(S::jutulModeling{D, T}, LogTransmissibilities::AbstractVector{T}, f::jutulForce{D, N};
function rrule(S::jutulModeling{D, T}, LogTransmissibilities::AbstractVector{T}, f::Union{jutulForce{D, N}, jutulVWell{D, N}};
state0=nothing, visCO2::T=T(visCO2), visH2O::T=T(visH2O),
ρCO2::T=T(ρCO2), ρH2O::T=T(ρH2O), info_level::Int64=-1) where {D, T, N}

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17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions src/FlowAD/Types/jutulVWell.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
export jutulVWell

struct jutulVWell{D, T}

jutulVWell(irate::T, loc::NTuple{D, T}; startz=nothing, endz=nothing) where {D, T} = jutulVWell(irate, [loc]; startz=startz, endz=endz)
jutulVWell(irate::T, loc::Vector{NTuple{D, T}}; startz=nothing, endz=nothing) where {D, T}= jutulVWell{D+1, T}(irate, vcat(:Injector, [:Producer for i = 1:length(loc)]), loc, startz, endz)

display(f::jutulVWell{D, T}) where {D, T} =
println("$(D)D jutulVWell structure with $(length(f.loc)) injection/production wells and rate $(f.irate) m^3/s")

==(A::jutulVWell{D, T}, B::jutulVWell{D, T}) where {D,T} = (A.irate == B.irate && == && A.loc == B.loc)
22 changes: 19 additions & 3 deletions src/FlowAD/Types/type_utils.jl
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Expand Up @@ -2,17 +2,33 @@ function force(M::jutulModel{D, T}, w::jutulForce{D, T}, tstep::Vector{T};
ρCO2::T=T(ρCO2), ρH2O::T=T(ρH2O), g::T=T(10.0)) where {D, T}

## set up well information
cell_loc = [Int.(round.(w.loc[i] ./ M.d)) for i = 1:length(w.loc)]
cell_loc = [Int.(round.(w.loc[i] ./ M.d[1:length(w.loc[1])])) for i = 1:length(w.loc)]
Is = [setup_well(CartesianMesh(M), M.K, [cell_loc[i]], name =[i]) for i = 1:length(w.loc)]
ctrls = [[i]==:Injector ? InjectorControl(TotalRateTarget(w.irate), [1.0, 0.0], density = ρCO2) : ProducerControl(BottomHolePressureTarget(2.0 * ρH2O * g * w.loc[i][3])) for i = 1:length(w.loc)]
ctrls = [[i]==:Injector ? InjectorControl(TotalRateTarget(w.irate), [1.0, 0.0], density = ρCO2) : ProducerControl(BottomHolePressureTarget(50*bar)) for i = 1:length(w.loc)]
controls = Dict()
for i = 1:length(w.loc)
controls[[i]] = ctrls[i]
return Is, controls

function setup_well_model(M::jutulModel{D, T}, f::jutulForce{D, T}, tstep::Vector{T};
function force(M::jutulModel{D, T}, w::jutulVWell{D, T}, tstep::Vector{T};
ρCO2::T=T(ρCO2), ρH2O::T=T(ρH2O), g::T=T(10.0)) where {D, T}

## set up well information
cell_loc = [Int.(round.(w.loc[i] ./ M.d[1:length(w.loc[1])])) for i = 1:length(w.loc)]
heel = [isnothing(w.startz) ? 1 : Int(div(w.startz[i], M.d[end])) for i = 1:length(w.loc)]
toe = [isnothing(w.endz) ? M.n[end] : Int(div(w.endz[i], M.d[end])) for i = 1:length(w.loc)]
Is = [setup_vertical_well(CartesianMesh(M), M.K, cell_loc[i]..., name =[i]; heel = heel[i], toe = toe[i]) for i = 1:length(w.loc)]
ctrls = [[i]==:Injector ? InjectorControl(TotalRateTarget(w.irate), [1.0, 0.0], density = ρCO2) : ProducerControl(BottomHolePressureTarget(50*bar)) for i = 1:length(w.loc)]
controls = Dict()
for i = 1:length(w.loc)
controls[[i]] = ctrls[i]
return Is, controls

function setup_well_model(M::jutulModel{D, T}, f::Union{jutulForce{D, T}, jutulVWell{D, T}}, tstep::Vector{T};
visCO2::T=T(visCO2), visH2O::T=T(visH2O), ρCO2::T=T(ρCO2), ρH2O::T=T(ρH2O), g::T=T(10.0)) where {D, T}

### set up well controls
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11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion test/test_gradient.jl
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
model, model0, q, q1, init_state, init_state1, tstep = test_config();
model, model0, q, q1, q2, state0, state1, tstep = test_config();

## set up modeling operator
S = jutulModeling(model0, tstep)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -27,3 +27,12 @@ g1 = gradient(()->misfit1(x0), Flux.params(x0))
@testset "Taylor-series gradient test of simple jutulModeling" begin
grad_test(misfit1, x0, dx/1.5, g1[x0])

states2 = S(x, q2)

misfit2(x0) = 0.5 * norm(S(x0, q2) - states2).^2
g2 = gradient(()->misfit2(x0), Flux.params(x0))

@testset "Taylor-series gradient test of jutulModeling with vertical wells" begin
grad_test(misfit2, x0, dx/1.5, g2[x0])
11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion test/test_jutulModeling.jl
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
model, model0, q, q1, init_state, init_state1, tstep = test_config();
model, model0, q, q1, q2, init_state, init_state1, tstep = test_config();

## set up modeling operator
S = jutulModeling(model, tstep)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -37,3 +37,12 @@ end
@test isapprox(exist_co2-pre_co2, inj_co2) rtol=1e-3

@testset "Test mass conservation for vertical well modeling" begin
states = S(x, q2)
for i = 1:length(states.states)
exist_co2 = sum(Saturations(states.states[i]) .* states.states[i].state[:Reservoir][:PhaseMassDensities][1,:] .* model.ϕ) * prod(model.d)
inj_co2 = JutulDarcyAD.ρCO2 * q.irate * * sum(tstep[1:i])
@test isapprox(exist_co2, inj_co2) rtol=1e-3
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/test_jutulState.jl
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
model, model0, q, q1, init_state, init_state_simple, tstep = test_config();
model, model0, q, q1, q2, init_state, init_state_simple, tstep = test_config();

@testset "Test jutulState" begin
@info "length, size"
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15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions test/test_jutulVWell.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
@testset "Test jutulVWell" begin

d = (1.0, 20.0, 3.0)
inj_loc = (3, 1) .* d[1:2]
prod_loc = (28, 1) .* d[1:2]
irate = rand()
q = jutulVWell(irate, [inj_loc, prod_loc])
q1 = jutulVWell(irate, [inj_loc])

@test q != q1
@test q.irate == q1.irate
@test q.loc[1] == q1.loc[1]
@test[1] ==[1]
@test[2] == :Producer
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions test/test_utils.jl
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Expand Up @@ -18,11 +18,12 @@ function test_config()
inj_loc = (15, 1, 10) .* d
prod_loc = (30, 1, 10) .* d
irate = 5e-3
q = jutulForce(irate, [inj_loc])
q = jutulForce(irate, inj_loc)
q1 = jutulSource(irate, [inj_loc, prod_loc])
q2 = jutulVWell(irate, inj_loc[1:2]; startz = 9 * d[3], endz = 11 * d[3])
state0 = jutulState(JutulDarcyAD.setup_well_model(model, q, tstep)[3])
state1 = jutulSimpleState(model)
return model, model0, q, q1, state0, state1, tstep
return model, model0, q, q1, q2, state0, state1, tstep

mean(x) = sum(x)/length(x)
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