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Merge pull request #11 from slimgroup/fix-dt
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fix wrong dt
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mloubout authored Mar 28, 2024
2 parents 560f5e6 + 1d58bb6 commit cf7306a
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Showing 8 changed files with 93 additions and 58 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Project.toml
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "TimeProbeSeismic"
uuid = "cd417b76-fc6b-4228-be91-94f5ea77264b"
authors = ["Mathias Louboutin", "Felix J. Herrmann"]
version = "1.1.2"
version = "1.1.3"

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mloubout Mar 28, 2024

Author Member

JUDI = "f3b833dc-6b2e-5b9c-b940-873ed6319979"
Expand All @@ -11,6 +11,6 @@ Reexport = "189a3867-3050-52da-a836-e630ba90ab69"
Statistics = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2"

JUDI = "^3.3.3"
JUDI = "3.4.1"
Reexport = "1"
julia = "1.6"
35 changes: 16 additions & 19 deletions scripts/compare_vectors.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,11 +2,13 @@
# Author:
# Date: February 2021
using TimeProbeSeismic, PyPlot, LinearAlgebra, HDF5, Images
using TimeProbeSeismic, PyPlot, LinearAlgebra, HDF5, Images, SlimPlotting

# set_devito_config("log-level", "PERF")

# Load starting model
~isfile(datadir("models/", "overthrust_model.h5")) && run(`curl -L --create-dirs -o $(datadir("models", "overthrust_model.h5"))`)
n, d, o, m0, m = read(h5open(datadir("models", "overthrust_model.h5"), "r"), "n", "d", "o", "m0", "m")
~isfile(datadir("models/", "overthrust_model.h5")) && run(`curl -L --create-dirs -o $(datadir("models/", "overthrust_model.h5"))`)
n, d, o, m0, m = read(h5open(datadir("models/", "overthrust_model.h5"), "r"), "n", "d", "o", "m0", "m")

n = Tuple(n)
o = Tuple(o)
Expand All @@ -33,7 +35,7 @@ dtD = 4f0 # receiver sampling interval [ms]
recGeometry = Geometry(xrec, yrec, zrec; dt=dtD, t=timeD, nsrc=nsrc)

# Set up source geometry (cell array with source locations for each shot)
xsrc = div(n[1], 2) * d[1]
xsrc = div(n[1], 4) * d[1]
ysrc = 0f0
zsrc = 12.5f0

Expand All @@ -45,25 +47,19 @@ f0 = 0.010f0 # kHz
wavelet = ricker_wavelet(timeD, dtD, f0)
q = judiVector(srcGeometry, wavelet)

# Set up info structure for linear operators
ntComp = get_computational_nt(srcGeometry, recGeometry, model)
info = Info(prod(n), nsrc, ntComp)

# Write shots as segy files to disk
opt = Options(space_order=16)

# Setup operators
F = judiModeling(info, model, srcGeometry, recGeometry; options=opt)
F0 = judiModeling(info, model0, srcGeometry, recGeometry; options=opt)
F = judiModeling(model, srcGeometry, recGeometry; options=opt)
F0 = judiModeling(model0, srcGeometry, recGeometry; options=opt)
J = judiJacobian(F0, q)

# data
# Nonlinear modeling
dobs = F*q
d0 = F0*q
residual = d0 - dobs
δd = J*dm

# gradient
g = J'*residual
Expand All @@ -80,25 +76,25 @@ function fourierJ(F0, q, ps)
return J

ge = Array{Any}(undef, 3, 8)
ge = Array{Any}(undef, 4, 8)

for (p, mode) in enumerate([:Fourier, :QR, :Rademacher])
for (p, mode) in enumerate([:Fourier, :QR, :Rademacher, :hutchpp])
for ps=1:8
Jp = mode == :Fourier ? fourierJ(F0, q, 2^ps) : judiJacobian(F0, q, 2^ps, dobs; mode=mode)
ge[p, ps] = Jp'*residual

for (p, mode) in enumerate([:Fourier, :QR, :Rademacher])
for (p, mode) in enumerate([:Fourier, :QR, :Rademacher, :hutchpp])
clip = maximum(g)/10

figure(figsize=(15, 10))
imshow(g', cmap="seismic", vmin=-clip, vmax=clip, aspect="auto")
plot_simage(g'; cmap="seismic", new_fig=false)
for ps=1:8
imshow(ge[p, ps]', cmap="seismic", vmin=-clip, vmax=clip, aspect="auto")
plot_simage(ge[p, ps]'; cmap="seismic", new_fig=false)
title("$(mode) r=$(2^ps)")
Expand All @@ -108,13 +104,14 @@ for (p, mode) in enumerate([:Fourier, :QR, :Rademacher])

figure(figsize=(15, 10))
imshow(g', cmap="seismic", vmin=-clip, vmax=clip, aspect="auto")
plot_simage(g'; cmap="seismic", new_fig=false)
for ps=1:8
imshow(g' - ge[p, ps]', cmap="seismic", vmin=-clip, vmax=clip, aspect="auto")
plot_simage(g' - ge[p, ps]'; cmap="seismic", new_fig=false)
title("$(mode) Difference r=$(2^ps)")
savefig(plotsdir("geo-pros-paper/", "Error-$(mode).pdf"), bbox_inches=:tight, dpi=150)

18 changes: 11 additions & 7 deletions scripts/overthrust_probing_vectors.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,23 +61,27 @@ title(L"$d_{obs} d_{obs}^\top$")

timea = 0:4f0:3000f0

fig, axs = subplots(5, 3, sharex=:col, sharey=:row, gridspec_kw=Dict(:hspace=> 0, :wspace=> 0))
fig, axs = subplots(5, 4, sharex=:col, sharey=:row, gridspec_kw=Dict(:hspace=> 0, :wspace=> 0))
for (i, ps)=enumerate([4, 16, 32, 64, 256])
@show i
# QR
Q = qr_data([1], ps)
Q = qr_data([1], ps; mode=:QR)
axs[i, 1].imshow(Q*Q',vmin=-.05, vmax=.05, cmap="seismic", aspect="auto")
i == 1 && axs[i, 1].set_title(L"$\mathbf{Q}\mathbf{Q}^\top$")
axs[i, 1].set_ylabel("r=$(ps)", rotation=0, labelpad=20)
# hutchpp
Q = qr_data([1], ps; mode=:hutchpp)
axs[i, 2].imshow(Q*Q',vmin=-.05, vmax=.05, cmap="seismic", aspect="auto")
i == 1 && axs[i, 2].set_title(L"$\mathbf{Q}\mathbf{Q}^\top$")
# gaussian
E = rand([-1f0, 1f0], length(timea), ps)/sqrt(ps)
axs[i, 2].imshow(E*E',vmin=-.25, vmax=.25, cmap="seismic", aspect="auto")
i == 1 && axs[i, 2].set_title(L"$\mathbf{Z}\mathbf{Z}^\top$")
Q = qr_data([1], ps; mode=:Gaussian)
axs[i, 3].imshow(Q*Q',vmin=-.25, vmax=.25, cmap="seismic", aspect="auto")
i == 1 && axs[i, 3].set_title(L"$\mathbf{Z}\mathbf{Z}^\top$")
freq = select_frequencies(q_dist; fmin=0.002, fmax=0.04, nf=ps)
F = exp.(-2*im*pi*timea*freq')/sqrt(ps)
axs[i, 3].imshow(real.(F*F'),vmin=-.5, vmax=.5, cmap="seismic", aspect="auto")
i == 1 && axs[i, 3].set_title(L"$\mathbf{F}\mathbf{F}^\top$")
axs[i, 4].imshow(real.(F*F'),vmin=-.5, vmax=.5, cmap="seismic", aspect="auto")
i == 1 && axs[i, 4].set_title(L"$\mathbf{F}\mathbf{F}^\top$")
plt.setp(plt.gcf().get_axes(), xticks=[], yticks=[])

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/TimeProbeSeismic.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ function __init__()
copy!(si, pyimport("sensitivity"))
copy!(ut, pyimport("utils"))
copy!(np, pyimport("numpy"))
set!(dv."configuration", "autopadding", false)

# Propagators
Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/interface.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@

function forward(model::AbstractModel, q::judiVector, dobs::judiVector; options=Options(), ps=16, modelPy=nothing, mode=:QR)
dt_Comp = get_dt(model)
# Python model
isnothing(modelPy) && (modelPy = devito_model(model, options))
dt_Comp = convert(Float32, modelPy."critical_dt")
# Interpolate input data to computational grid
q_data = time_resample(make_input(q), q.geometry, dt_Comp)
d_data = time_resample(make_input(dobs), dobs.geometry, dt_Comp)
Expand All @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ function forward(model::AbstractModel, q::judiVector, dobs::judiVector; options=

function born(model::AbstractModel, q::judiVector, dobs::judiVector, dm; options=Options(), ps=16, modelPy=nothing)
dt_Comp = get_dt(model)
# Python model
isnothing(modelPy) && (modelPy = devito_model(model, options; dm=dm))
dt_Comp = convert(Float32, modelPy."critical_dt")

# Interpolate input data to computational grid
q_data = time_resample(make_input(q), q.geometry, dt_Comp)
Expand All @@ -46,9 +46,10 @@ end

function backprop(model::AbstractModel, residual::judiVector, Q::Array{Float32}, eu::PyObject;
options=Options(), ps=16, modelPy=nothin, offsets=0f0, pe=nothing)
dt_Comp = get_dt(model)
# Python mode
isnothing(modelPy) && (modelPy = devito_model(model, options))
dt_Comp = convert(Float32, modelPy."critical_dt")

# Interpolate input data to computational grid
d_data = time_resample(make_input(residual), residual.geometry, dt_Comp)

Expand Down
25 changes: 14 additions & 11 deletions src/judi.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
time_resample(q::judiVector, dt) = begin @assert q.nsrc == 1 ;time_resample(make_input(q), q.geometry.dt[1], dt) end

struct judiJacobianP{D, O, FT} <: judiAbstractJacobian{D, O, FT}
offsets::Union{D, Vector{D}}

_accepted_modes = (:QR, :Rademacher, :Gaussian, :hutchpp)

# Jacobian with probing
function judiJacobian(F::judiComposedPropagator{D, O}, q::judiMultiSourceVector, r::Integer, dobs::judiMultiSourceVector;
options=nothing, mode=:QR, offsets=0f0) where {D, O}
mode [:QR, :Rademacher, :Gaussian] || throw(ArgumentError("Probing vector mode unrecognized, must be `:QR` or `:Rademacher`"))
mode _accepted_modes || throw(ArgumentError("Probing vector mode unrecognized, must be in $(_accepted_modes)"))
update!(F.F.options, options)
return judiJacobianP{D, :born, typeof(F)}(F.m, space(F.model.n), F, q, r, mode, dobs, asvec(offsets))

asvec(x::T) where T<:Number = x
asvec(x) = collect(x)

adjoint(J::judiJacobianP{D, O, FT}) where {D, O, FT} = judiJacobianP{D, adjoint(O), FT}(J.n, J.m, J.F, J.q, J.r, J.mode, J.dobs, J.offsets)
getindex(J::judiJacobianP{D, O, FT}, i) where {D, O, FT} = judiJacobianP{D, O, FT}(J.m[i], J.n[i], J.F[i], J.q[i], J.r, J.mode, J.dobs[i], J.offsets)
adjoint(J::judiJacobianP{D, O, FT}) where {D, O, FT} = judiJacobianP{D, adjoint(O), FT}(J.n, J.m, J.F, J.q, J.r, J.probing_mode, J.dobs, J.offsets)
getindex(J::judiJacobianP{D, O, FT}, i) where {D, O, FT} = judiJacobianP{D, O, FT}(J.m[i], J.n[i], J.F[i], J.q[i], J.r, J.probing_mode, J.dobs[i], J.offsets)

process_input_data(::judiJacobianP{D, :born, FT}, q::dmType{D}) where {D<:Number, FT} = q

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ function propagate(J::judiJacobianP{D, :adjoint_born, FT}, residual::AbstractArr

model_loc = get_model(J.q.geometry, residual.geometry, J.model, J.options)
modelPy = devito_model(model_loc, J.options)
_, Q, eu = forward(model_loc, J.q, J.dobs; ps=J.r, options=J.options, modelPy=modelPy, mode=J.mode)
_, Q, eu = forward(model_loc, J.q, J.dobs; ps=J.r, options=J.options, modelPy=modelPy, mode=J.probing_mode)
ge = backprop(model_loc, residual, Q, eu; options=J.options, modelPy=modelPy, offsets=J.offsets)
J.options.limit_m && (ge = extend_gradient(J.model, model_loc, ge))

Expand All @@ -72,12 +72,15 @@ function propagate(J::judiJacobianP{D, :adjoint_born, FT}, residual::AbstractArr

fwi_objective(model::MTypes, q::Dtypes, dobs::Dtypes, r::Integer; options=Options(), offsets=0f0) =
fwi_objective(model, q, dobs; options=options, r=r, offsets=offsets)
fwi_objective(model, q, dobs; options=options, r=r, offsets=offsets, func=multi_src_fg_r)

lsrtm_objective(model::MTypes, q::Dtypes, dobs::Dtypes, dm::dmType, r::Integer; options=Options(), nlind=false, offsets=0f0) =
lsrtm_objective(model, q, dobs, dm; options=options, nlind=nlind, r=r, offsets=offsets)
lsrtm_objective(model, q, dobs, dm; options=options, nlind=nlind, r=r, offsets=offsets, func=multi_src_fg_r)

function multi_src_fg(model::AbstractModel, q::judiVector, dobs::judiVector, dm, options::JUDIOptions, nlind::Bool, lin::Bool, r::Integer, offsets)

function multi_src_fg_r(model::AbstractModel, q::judiVector, dobs::judiVector, dm, options::JUDIOptions;
nlind::Bool=false, lin::Bool=false, misfit::Function=mse, illum::Bool=false, r::Integer=32,
data_precon=nothing, model_precon=LinearAlgebra.I)
q.geometry = Geometry(q.geometry)
dobs.geometry = Geometry(dobs.geometry)

Expand All @@ -92,4 +95,4 @@ function multi_src_fg(model::AbstractModel, q::judiVector, dobs::judiVector, dm,
ge = backprop(model_loc, residual, Q, eu; options=options, modelPy=modelPy, offsets=offsets, pe=eu.indices[1])
options.limit_m && (ge = extend_gradient(model, model_loc, ge))
return Ref{Float32}(.5f0*norm(residual)^2), PhysicalParameter(ge, model.d, model.o)
31 changes: 21 additions & 10 deletions src/propagators.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
p_dims = Dict()

# Basic caching of probing dim
function pdim(ne::Integer)
if ne in keys(p_dims)
p_e = p_dims[ne]
p_e = dv.CustomDimension(name="p_e", 0, ne-1, ne)
p_dims[ne] = p_e
return p_e

# Forward propagation
function forward(model::PyObject, src_coords::Array{Float32}, rcv_coords::Array{Float32},
wavelet::Array{Float32}, e::Array{Float32}, space_order::Integer=8, isic::Bool=false)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -95,18 +108,18 @@ end

function time_probe(e::Array{Float32, 2}, wf::PyObject; fw=true, isic=false, pe=nothing)
ne = size(e, 2)
p_e = dv.DefaultDimension(name="p_e", default_value=ne)
p_e = pdim(ne)
# sub_time
t_sub = wf.grid.time_dim
s = fw ? t_sub.spacing : 1
# Probing vector
nt = size(e, 1)
q = dv.TimeFunction(name="Q", grid=wf.grid, dimensions=(t_sub, p_e),
shape=(nt, ne), time_order=0, initializer=e)
shape=(nt, ne), time_order=0, initializer=e, space_order=0)
# Probed output
if isnothing(pe)
pe = dv.Function(name="$(", grid=wf.grid, dimensions=(wf.grid.dimensions..., p_e),
shape=(wf.grid.shape..., ne), space_order=wf.space_order)
pe = dv.Function(name="$(", grid=wf.grid, dimensions=(p_e, wf.grid.dimensions...),
shape=(ne, wf.grid.shape...), space_order=wf.space_order)
probing = [dv.Eq(pe, pe + s*q*ic(wf, fw, isic))]
return pe, probing
Expand All @@ -115,18 +128,18 @@ end

function time_probe(e::Array{Float32, 2}, wf::Tuple{PyCall.PyObject, PyCall.PyObject}; fw=true, isic=false, pe=nothing)
ne = size(e, 2)
p_e = dv.DefaultDimension(name="p_e", default_value=ne)
p_e = pdim(ne)
# sub_time
t_sub = wf[1].grid.time_dim
s = fw ? t_sub.spacing : 1
# Probing vector
nt = size(e, 1)
q = dv.TimeFunction(name="Q", grid=wf[1].grid, dimensions=(t_sub, p_e),
shape=(nt, ne), time_order=0, initializer=e)
shape=(nt, ne), time_order=0, initializer=e, space_order=0)
# Probed output
if isnothing(pe)
pe = dv.Function(name="$(wf[1].name)e", grid=wf[1].grid, dimensions=(wf[1].grid.dimensions..., p_e),
shape=(wf[1].grid.shape..., ne), space_order=wf[1].space_order)
pe = dv.Function(name="$(wf[1].name)e", grid=wf[1].grid, dimensions=(p_e, wf[1].grid.dimensions...),
shape=(ne, wf[1].grid.shape...), space_order=wf[1].space_order)
probing = [dv.Eq(pe, pe + s*q*ic(wf, fw, isic))]
return pe, probing
Expand All @@ -146,7 +159,6 @@ end
function combine(eu::PyObject, ev::PyObject, offsets::Number, isic::Bool=false)
@assert offsets == 0
g = dv.Function(name="ge", grid=eu.grid, space_order=0)
ev = ev._subs(ev.indices[end], eu.indices[end])
eq = isic ? (eu * ev.laplace + si.inner_grad(eu, ev)) : eu * ev
op = dv.Operator(dv.Inc(g, -eq), subs=eu.grid.spacing_map)
Expand All @@ -165,7 +177,6 @@ function combine(eu::PyObject, ev::PyObject, offsets::Vector{Int64}, isic::Bool=
# IC with space shifts
g = dv.Function(name="ge", grid=eu.grid, shape=(2*nh+1, eu.grid.shape...),
dimensions=(offs, eu.grid.dimensions...), space_order=0)
ev = ev._subs(ev.indices[end], eu.indices[end])
x = eu.grid.dimensions[1]

ev = ev._subs(x, x+oh)
Expand Down
30 changes: 24 additions & 6 deletions src/utils.jl
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Expand Up @@ -3,13 +3,31 @@ typedict(x::T) where {T} = Dict(fn=>getfield(x, fn) for fn ∈ fieldnames(T))

function qr_data(d::Array{Float32,2}, ps::Integer; seed=nothing, ts=0, mode=:QR)
!isnothing(seed) && Random.seed!(seed)
mode == :Gaussian && (return randn(Float32, size(d, 1), ps) ./ Float32(sqrt(ps)))
S = rand([-1f0, 1f0], size(d, 1), ps)
mode == :Rademacher && (return S ./ Float32(sqrt(ps)))
ts > 0 && (d = circshift(d, (-ts, 0)))
AS = d * (d' * S)
Q, _ = qr(AS)
return Matrix(Q)
if mode == :Gaussian
Q = randn(Float32, size(d, 1), ps) ./ Float32(sqrt(ps))
elseif mode == :Rademacher
return S ./ Float32(sqrt(ps))
elseif mode == :QR
ts > 0 && (d = circshift(d, (-ts, 0)))
AS = d * (d' * S)
Q, _ = qr(AS)
return Matrix(Q)
elseif mode == :hutchpp
ts > 0 && (d = circshift(d, (-ts, 0)))
# Split S
m = 3 * ps / 2
mid = div(ps, 2)
S1, S2 = S[:, 1:mid], S[:, mid+1:end]
AS = d * (d' * S2)
Q, _ = qr(AS)
Q = Matrix(Q)
G = sqrt(3 / m) * (S1 - Q * (Q'* S1))
Qhutch = hcat(Q, G)
return convert(Matrix{Float32}, Qhutch)
throw(ArgumentError("Probing vector mode unrecognized: $(mode), must be `:QR`, `:Rademacher`, `:Gaussian` or `:hutchpp`"))

simil(x, y) = dot(x, y)/(norm(x)*norm(y))
Expand Down

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