$ make mpicc -g -O2 flux.c -c mpicc -g -O2 main.c -c mpicc -g -O2 lim.c -c mpicc -g -O2 smooth.c -c mpicc flux.o main.o lim.o smooth.o -lm -o taubench
To change the compiler and compiler flags
$ make 'MPICC = mpicc.mpich' 'CFLAGS = -Ofast -Wall' mpicc.mpich -Ofast -Wall flux.c -c mpicc.mpich -Ofast -Wall main.c -c mpicc.mpich -Ofast -Wall lim.c -c mpicc.mpich -Ofast -Wall smooth.c -c mpicc.mpich flux.o main.o lim.o smooth.o -lm -o taubenchTau supports both vector and cache colored grids, you might also need to adapt the compiler directives in nodep.inc and expand.inc. The benchmark itself can be used with two flags, the gridsize per process and the number of pseudo steps:
$ mpiexec -n 2 ./taubench -n 100000 -s 10 This is TauBench. Evaluating kernels - please be patient. .......... - kernel_1_0 : 0.315 secs - 4470.269 mflops - kernel_1_1 : 0.131 secs - 1666.135 mflops - kernel_2_1 : 0.210 secs - 4733.000 mflops - kernel_2_2 : 0.186 secs - 6560.788 mflops - kernel_2_3 : 0.089 secs - 2759.613 mflops - kernel_2_4 : 0.069 secs - 7992.762 mflops - kernel_3_0 : 0.344 secs - 7952.712 mflops total : 1.311 secs - 9658.964 mflops points : 100000 steps : 10 procs : 2 comp : 1.302 secs comm : 0.009 secs comm ratio : 0.007