An isomorphic example with React 0.14, React Router 1.0, ES6/ES7, Browserify, PureRenderMixin, CSS live reloading, cancellable async actions, server-side rendering with data prefetching and immutable state with Baobab. It has a simple JSON REST API using LokiJS as a database, so you could play with it without much fuss. The database can be changed to a more production-ready one, like MongoDB, pretty easily.
You can check the app at
npm start
Just it. It installs all requirements automagically and runs a development server at localhost:8080. It also populates a simple JS-based database with a single user. To sign in use:
password: 123
I'm constantly adding more features from my real-life production projects, but there could be many missing features. I would be glad to get some feedback from you and I'm always open to feature requests :3