2.0.0 - 2021-04-02
v2 of the library mainly refactors the domain model to abstract the admission review versions. This breaks backwards compatibility.
- A new model that decouples the different Kubernetes admission review model types.
- Support Kubernetes warnings headers in webhooks.
- Webhooks factory signatures now receive only a single configuration struct instead of multiple arguments.
- All Kubernetes specific admission review references, changed in favor of Kubewebhook own model.
- Better HTTP reponse details (messages, HTTP codes...) on allow, not allow, mutating and errors.
- Webhook reviewm metrics have been changed to give more insights.
- Prometheus metrics have been redesigned and now are simpler and give more insights.
- http.HandlerFor now receives a configuration struct.
- Improved the logger on webhooks and HTTP handlers.
- Use structured logging over the application.
- Add Logrus logger support.
- Update to Kubernetes v1.20.
- V1 docs.
- STD logger.