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Music App Server

This REST API provides a flexible backend for web-based music streaming applications. With this API,developers can easily access and manage music data to power their streaming services.This API provides the tools needed to deliver a seamless and engaging user experience.

Getting Started

To get started with this API, you have two options: you can either run the application locally using yarn or use the provided Docker file. In either case, you'll need to obtain a serviceKey.json file for Firebase, which is used to store multimedia files such as images and audio files.

The serviceKey.json file is a private key file in JSON format that is used to authenticate a service account and authorize it to access Firebase services. To generate this file, go to the Firebase console and open Settings > Service Accounts. Then, click Generate New Private Key and confirm by clicking Generate Key. Make sure to securely store the JSON file containing the key.

This API uses MongoDB Atlas as its primary database and Redis Cloud for caching. Before using the API, make sure you have created accounts with both MongoDB Atlas and Redis Cloud and have set up your database and cache.

Once you have set up your MongoDB Atlas and Redis Cloud accounts, you can start using the API. For information about environment variables, refer to the .env.example file

Running Locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd music-app-server

Using Yarn

To run the application locally, first make sure you have npm installed. Then, navigate to the root directory of the project and run the following command:

yarn  && yarn run dev

This will install all necessary dependencies and start the application.

Using Docker

You can run the application in a container using the provided Docker file. First, ensure that Docker is installed on your system. Then, navigate to the project’s root directory and execute the following command to build a Docker image for the application and run it in a container:

docker build -t music-api . && docker run -p 5000:5000 music-api

Alternatively, you can use docker-compose to start the application by running the following command:

docker-compose up

This will build a Docker image for the application and run it in a container.

API Endpoints

This API provides several endpoints for accessing and managing music data. Below is a list of available endpoints and their descriptions.


Endpoint Method Description
/api/v1/artist/auth/register POST Register a new artist
/api/v1/artist/auth/edit/password PATCH Edit an artist's password
/api/v1/artist/auth/edit PATCH Edit artist information
/api/v1/artist/auth/login POST Log in an artist
/api/v1/artist/ GET Retrieve artist information



Endpoint Method Description
/api/v1/artist/auth/register POST This endpoint is used to register a new artist.
/api/v1/artist/auth/edit PATCH This endpoint is used to edit artist information.
/api/v1/artist/auth/edit/password PATCH This endpoint is used to edit an artist's password.
/api/v1/artist/auth/login POST This endpoint is used to log in an artist.
/api/v1/artist/ GET This endpoint is used to retrieve artist information.



Endpoint Method Description
/api/v1/albums POST This endpoint is used to create a new album.
/api/v1/albums GET This endpoint is used to retrieve a list of all albums.
/api/v1/albums/{album_id} GET This endpoint is used to retrieve information about a specific album.
/api/v1/albums/{album_id} PATCH This endpoint is used to update information about a specific album.
/api/v1/albums/{album_id} DELETE This endpoint is used to delete a specific album.
/api/v1/albums/remove/{song_id} PATCH This endpoint is used to remove a specific song from an album.



Endpoint Method Description
/api/v1/languages POST This endpoint is used to create a new language.
/api/v1/languages GET This endpoint is used to retrieve a list of all languages.
/api/v1/languages/{language_id} GET This endpoint is used to retrieve information about a specific language.



Endpoint Method Description
/api/v1/genres POST Create a new genre
/api/v1/genres GET Retrieve a list of genres
/api/v1/genres/{genre_id} GET Retrieve information about a genre



Endpoint Method Description
/api/v1/songs POST Create a new song
/api/v1/songs/{song_id} PATCH Update song information
/api/v1/songs/{song_id} DELETE Delete a song
/api/v1/songs GET Retrieve a list of songs
/api/v1/songs/{song_id} GET Retrieve information about a song



Endpoint Method Description
/api/v1/playlists POST Create a new song
/api/v1/playlists/{playlist_id} PATCH Update playlist information
/api/v1/playlists/{playlist_id} DELETE Delete a song
/api/v1/playlists GET Retrieve a list of playlists
/api/v1/playlists/{playlist_id} GET Retrieve information about a song
/api/v1/playlists/remove/{song_id} DELETE Remove a song from playlist



Endpoint Method Description
/api/v1/search/{query} GET Search for songs , playlists,song with language, song with genre or song with album name


Songs - User Services

Endpoint Method Description
/api/v1/user-services/songs/like/{song_id} POST Like a song
/api/v1/user-services/songs/remove-like/{song_id} POST Remove like from a song
/api/v1/user-services/songs?count={count} GET Retrieve a list of songs with a specified count
/api/v1/user-services/liked GET Retrieve a list of liked songs


Albums - User Services

Endpoint Method Description
/api/v1/user-services/albums/like/{album_id} POST Like an album
/api/v1/user-services/albums/remove-like/{album_id} POST Remove like from an album
/api/v1/user-services/albums/{album_id} GET Retrieve information about an album
/api/v1/user-services/albums?count={count} GET Retrieve a list of albums with a specified count


Artist Services

Endpoint Method Description
/api/v1/artist-services/album-info GET Retrieve album information for an artist



To facilitate the use of this API, a Postman collection has been created that includes examples for each endpoint. The collection can be accessed at the following link:

API Postman Collection


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