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Bond, Swift Bond

Bond is a Swift binding framework that takes binding concept to a whole new level - boils it down to just one operator. It's simple, powerful, type-safe and multi-paradigm - just like Swift.

Bond was created with two goals in mind: simple to use and simple to understand. One might argue whether the former implies the latter, but Bond will save you some thinking because both are true in this case. Its foundation are two simple classes - everything else are extensions and syntactic sugars.

What can it do?

Say you'd like a label to reflect the state of a text field. Instead of going through all that 'action-target' pain, with Bond you'll do it like this:

	textField ->> label

That one line establishes a bond between text field's text property and label's text property. In effect, whenever users makes a change to the text field, that change will be automatically propagated to the label.

More often than not, direct binding is not enough. Usually you need to transform input is some way, like prepending a greeting to a name. Of course, Bond has full confidence in functional paradigm. { "Hi " + $0 } ->> label

Whenever a change occurs in the text field, new value will be transformed by the closure and propagated to the label.

In addition to map, another important functional construct is filter. It's useful when we are interested only in some values of a domain. For example, when observing events of a button, we might be interested only in TouchUpInside event so we can perform certain action when user taps the button:

	button.filter { $0 == UIControlEvents.TouchUpInside } ->> { event in

As you see, our binding target doesn't have to be an UI component, rather it can be an arbitrary action wrapped in a closure. We call that closure a Listener as it listens for changes of an object or a property that it's bonded to by ->> operator.

Bond can also reduce multiple inputs into a single output. Following snippet depicts how values of two text fields can be reduced to a boolean value and applied to button's disabled property.

	reduce(emailField, passField, false) { email, pass  in
      return countElements(email) > 0 && countElements(pass) > 0
    } ->> loginButton

Whenever user types something into any of the text fields, expression will be evaluated and button stated updated.

Bond's power is not, however, in coupling various UI components, but in a bonding of Model (or ViewModel) to View and vice-versa. It's great for MVVM paradigm. Here is how one could bond user's number of followers property of a model to a label. { "\($0)" } ->> label

Point here is not in the simplicity of value assignment to text property of a label, but in the creation of a bond which automatically updates label text property whenever number of followers change.

Not impressed? Let me give you one last example. Say you have an array of repositories you would like to display in a table view. For each repository you have a name and its owner's profile photo. Of course, photo is not immediately available as it has to be downloaded, but once you get it, you want it to appear in table view's cell. Additionly, when user does 'pull down to refresh', and your array gets new repositiories, you want those in table view too.

So how do you proceed? Well, instead of implementing a data source object, observing photo downloads with KVO and manually updating table view with new items, with Bond you can do all that in just few lines: { [unowned self] (repository: Repository) -> RepositoryTableViewCell in
      let cell = self.tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("cell") as RepositoryTableViewCell ->> cell.nameLabel ->> cell.avatarImageView
      return cell
    } ->> self.tableView

Yes, that's right!

(As always, when working with closures by extremely careful not to cause retain cycles! Note how we used unowned self in above example. If you are not familiar with concept of retain cycles, check out this: Resolving Strong Reference Cycles for Closures)

(You can find demo app with additional examples here.)

How does it work?


Let's explore numberOfFollowers property from earlier example. What's its type? An Int? Well, kind of. Let's see how it is defined.

	let numberOfFollowers: Dynamic<Int>

So it is an Int, but an Int wrapped in a generic object of type Dynamic. That's the type you'll use to define a property or a variable whose changes you want to observe. Dynamic is the first of two classes that make up Bond framework.

How do you set its value? Just set it to the value property, like this:

	numberOfFollowers.value = 42

Dynamic is defined like this:

	public class Dynamic<T> {
		public var value: T
		public init(_ v: T)


We've already seen how to propagate change of value, but let's define it formally. Propagation of the change is done through a Bond established between a Dynamic and a Listener (a closure). Bond is the second of two classes that make up Bond framework. You create a bond by instantiating Bond object with a Listener and by bonding a Dynamic to it, like this:

	let myBond = Bond<Int>() { value in
		println("Number of followers changed to \(value).")

Those few lines will establish a bond between the numberOfFollowers and the closure that prints each change. Bond lives as long as it is retained by someone else. Usually you'll create bonds as properties in you classes. Bond object retains bonded Dynamic object(s)!

Calling bind method is old-fashioned so it can be simplified by an already mentioned ->> operator. Previous line can be rewritten like:

	numberOfFollowers ->> myBond

Very simple indeed. Dynamic on the left side, Bond on the right side.

Bond is defined like this:

	public class Bond<T> {
	  public typealias Listener = T -> Void
	  public var listener: Listener?
	  public init()
	  public init(_ listener: Listener)
	  public func bind(dynamic: Dynamic<T>, fire: Bool = true)
	  public func unbindAll()

The parameter fire in bind method indicated whether listener should be called during binding process (with current value of the Dynamic) or not.

What about UIKit

UIKit views and controls are not, of course, Dynamics and Bonds, so how can they act as agents in Bond word? Controls and views for which it makes sense to are extended with Swift extensions to adhere to one or both of these protocols:

	public protocol Dynamical {
	  typealias DynamicType
	  func designatedDynamic() -> Dynamic<DynamicType>
	public protocol Bondable {
	  typealias BondType
	  var designatedBond: Bond<BondType> { get }

Controls or views whose value can be set by the user, like UITextField's text property, UISlider's value property or UISwitch's on property, implement protocol Dynamical. Protocol defines one required method - designatedDynamic(). Calling that method creates a 'designated' Dynamic object that is coupled to the control or the view whose value it observes through mechanism like action-target for controls or delegation for table views.

Each call to designatedDynamic() creates a new Dynamic object. Returned object is not retained by the caller nor does it retains the caller. In order to keep it alive, you have to either retain it or bind it to some Bond object (as mentioned previously - Bond retains bonded Dynamic).

Controls or views that present some data or have user-visible state, like UITextField's text property, UILabel's text property, UIImageView's image property or UIButton's disabled state property, implement protocol Bondable. Protocol defines one property - designatedBond. Property holds a Bond that has implemented a Listener in a way that whenever a change is observed in any of bonded Dynamics, it updates control's or view's 'designated' property.

Unlike designated Dynamic, Bond is retained by it's view or control through Objective-C's associated objects mechanism. Of course, Bond does not retain its parent.

The attribute designated is chosen because some control or views might have additional Dynamic or Bond properties. For example, UIButton might provide bond both for its disabled property and its title property. At the moment, only former is implemented as its designated bond.

Functional concepts explained

Functions map, filter and reduce operate on Dynamic object(s) by creating a new Dynamic(s) that are bonded with source one(s). Newly created Dynamic(s) retain their source Dynamic(s)!


	func map<T, U>(dynamic: Dynamic<T>, f: T -> U) -> Dynamic<U>

Map function maps a Dynamic to a new Dynamic of different type. Value transformation from source type to destination type is performed by a given closure. Newly created Dynamic internally holds a Bond to source Dynamic that's updating its value whenever value of source Dynamic changes. It applies given transformation closure on each update.

Map is also available as a method of Dynamic class with first parameter omitted (which is assumed to be self).


	func filter<T>(dynamic: Dynamic<T>, f: T -> Bool) -> Dynamic<T> 

Filter function creates a new Dynamic that's bonded to its source Dynamic in similar way as it is done with map function. Difference is that there are no type transformations, but the filtering of source values. Newly created Dynamic changes its value only when new value of source Dynamic satisfies expression in a given closure.

Filter is also available as a method of Dynamic class with first parameter omitted (which is assumed to be self).


	reduce<A, B, T>(dA: Dynamic<A>, dB: Dynamic<B>, v0: T, f: (A, B) -> T) -> Dynamic<T>  
	reduce<A, B, C, T>(dA: Dynamic<A>, dB: Dynamic<B>, dC: Dynamic<C>, v0: T, f: (A, B, C) -> T) -> Dynamic<T>

Reduce is a simple function that takes two or more Dynamics and returns a new Dynamic of arbitrary type. New Dynamic holds a Bond to each of source Dynamics and updates its value whenever any of source Dynamics change. It updates its value by applying a given closure to values of source Dynamics.


As each of these functions return another Dynamic, it is possible to compose (chain) more than one of them in order to get desired behaviour. For example, if we need to bind an Int property to a label (which provides a Bond of String type), but only if number is greater than 10, we could do it like this.

	number.filter { $0 > 10 }.map { "\($0)" } ->> label

Arrays are special (and great)

Remember that famous table view example from earlier? Let's see how that repositories array is defined.

	let repositories: DynamicArray<Repository>

As you can see, arrays are special kind of Dynamics. Reason behind that is that we are usually not interested in change of the array object as whole, rather we are interested in changes that occurred within the array like insertions, deletions or updates.

DynamicArray is a subclass of the Dynamic class with additional methods for array manipulation. It is designed to resemble standard Swift array. It implements same manipulation methods, subscript syntax and a support for for-in iteration. It's defined like this:

	public class DynamicArray<T>: Dynamic<Array<T>>, SequenceType {
	  public override init(_ v: Array<T>)
	  public var count: Int 
	  public var capacity: Int
	  public var isEmpty: Bool 
	  public var first: T?
	  public var last: T?
	  public func append(newElement: T)
	  public func append(array: Array<T>)
	  public func removeLast() -> T 
	  public func insert(newElement: T, atIndex i: Int)
	  public func splice(array: Array<T>, atIndex i: Int)
	  public func removeAtIndex(index: Int) -> T
	  public func removeAll(keepCapacity: Bool)
	  public subscript(index: Int) -> T

As the DynamicArray is the subclass of the Dynamic, it can be bonded with any Bond of same generic type, but that's not what we usually want. Basic Bond object allows us to observe only value changes, and value is in this case an array as whole. In order to observe fine-grain changes, we need a special kind of Bond. It's called ArrayBond and it's defined in following way:

	public class ArrayBond<T>: Bond<Array<T>> {
	  public var insertListener: (([Int]) -> Void)?
	  public var removeListener: (([Int], [T]) -> Void)?
	  public var updateListener: (([Int]) -> Void)?
	  override public init()
	  override public func bind(dynamic: Dynamic<Array<T>>, fire: Bool = false)

Yeah, it's straightforward - it allows us to register different listeners for different events. Each listener is a closure that accepts an array of indices of objects that have been changed in bonded DynamicArray. Removal listener also receives objects that are removed. Listeners are always called after change has taken place.

Let's go through one example. We'll create a new bond to our repositories array, this time of ArrayBond type.

	let myBond = ArrayBond<Repository>()
	myBond.insertListener = { indices in
		println("Inserted objects at indices \(indices)")
	myBond.updateListener = { indices in
		println("Updated objects at indices \(indices)")
	repositories ->> myBond
	repositories.insert(Repository(...), atIndex: 0)
	// prints: Inserted objects at indices [0]
	repositories[4] = Repository(...)
	// prints: Updated objects at indices [4]


Map and Filter

DynamicArray supports per-element map and filter function. It does not support reduce at the moment.

Map function that operates on DynamicArray differs from map function that operates on basic Dynamic in a way that it evaluates values lazily. It means that at the moment of mapping, no element from source array is transformed to destination array. Elements are transformed on an as-needed basis. Thus the map function has O(1) complexity and no unnecessary table view cell will ever get created. (Beware that accessing value property of mapped DynamicArray returns whole array so it has to transform each element. Avoid accessing it.)

Because of its nature, filter function that operates on DynamicArray has O(n) complexity and you should be careful when using it.


There is one more neat thing about Bond. You can create a Dynamic that observers value chnages of some KVO-observable property. For example, you can bond a property of your existing Objective-C model object to a label with this simple one-liner:

	Dynamic.asObservableFor(self.user, keyPath: "numberOfFollowers") ->> label


Using Git Submodules

  1. Clone Bond as a submodule into the directory of your choice
  2. git submodule add
  3. git submodule update --init
  4. Drag Bond.xcodeproj into your project tree as a subproject
  5. Under your project's Build Phases, expand Target Dependencies
  6. Click the + and add Bond
  7. Expand the Link Binary With Libraries phase
  8. Click the + and add Bond
  9. Click the + at the top left corner to add a Copy Files build phase
  10. Set the directory to Frameworks
  11. Click the + and add Bond


Just get .swift files from Bond/ Directory and add them to your project.


Bond has yet to be shipped in an app. It was tested with many examples, but if there is a bug, please don't yell. Open an Issue, fix it yourself and make a pull request or contact me on Twitter (@srdanrasic) or by email ( Should you have any suggestion or a critique, do the same.

Release Notes


  • Fixes operator precedence


  • Changed bonding operator to ->> due to conflicts with reserved operator ~>
  • Introduced operator ->| that performs bonding without initial firing
  • Wrapped Bond in a framework


  • Initial Release


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2015 Srdan Rasic (@srdanrasic)

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



A Swift binding framework







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  • Swift 96.2%
  • C++ 3.8%