Releases: smaddis/smad-deploy-azure
Releases · smaddis/smad-deploy-azure
What's Changed
- Update Hono version into 1.8.0 by @Nindemic in #83
- Create proper domain address for services and provision LE cert by @msrn in #84
- Disable Azure log analytics by @Nindemic in #85
- Disable example data insertion into device registry by @Nindemic in #87
- Lock Hono Helm chart version by @msrn in #92
- Route traffic only through Ambassador API gateway by @msrn in #93
Full Changelog: v1.0...v1.1
What's Changed
- Add support for cli vars by @hjhsalo in #8
- syntax fix for terraform 0.13 -> by @wisack in #9
- Prefix project name with workspace name if not default by @JouHouFin in #21
- Create a Kubernetes Storage Class with 'Retain'-ReClaimPolicy by @JouHouFin in #29
- Add POC demo and Helm based Hono deployment by @wisack in #31
- Fix codebase formating by @Nindemic in #32
- Github action for terraform by @msrn in #28
- Modify action to use repo secrets by @msrn in #53
- Bash scripts for testing hono by @Nindemic in #48
- Lock Hono Helm chart version number by @msrn in #55
- Switch mongodb deployment from Hono helm chart to Bitnami chart by @JouHouFin in #56
- Modify Github action to allow push checking by @msrn in #58
- Lock provider version constraints to patch releases by @JouHouFin in #59
- Use hono_values.yaml for non-sensitive values by @JouHouFin in #60
- Use PRs branch instead of target branch, and remove check on pushes by @msrn in #62
- Add Jaeger independent of Hono by @1l1lIl1llll1Il1 in #57
- Deploy prometheus via separate chart by @JouHouFin in #72
- Lock jaeger version and improve documentation by @msrn in #73
- Add ability to assing sensitive values from tfvars by @msrn in #74
- Add timeout, increase exception handling and clarify naming by @Nindemic in #64
- Use separate RG for K8S persistent volumes by @JouHouFin in #75
- Change testing node count to 2 by @msrn in #76
- Switch to secret to provide Grafana dashboards by @JouHouFin in #77
- Add Influx as long-term storage for monitoring data by @Nindemic in #81
New Contributors
Full Changelog: