Cleaned up code for presenation on re-frame given at Clojure/Conj 2016
Video of the original presentation can be found at
Please feel free to modify as you see fit and use it to give your own presentations or demos.
If you want to rebuild the CSS or edit it, run lein garden once
for a one time build or
lein garden auto
for auto build, garden can be found at
and lein-garden at
To run the program, use lein figwheel
and connect to http://localhost:3461
- you can change
the port in the project.clj
file under :figwheel {:server-port}
if you want, just make sure
you also update it in :cljsbuild {:builds [{:id "dev" :figwheel {:open-urls ["http://localhost:3461/index.html"]}}]}
as well if you want it to auto-open correctly.
The final working code is in re-frame-conj-2016/show/src/show/core.cljs
Individual snippets can be found in re-frame-conj-2016/show/src/show/snippets/
and these are what you would use
to manually recreate the talk in a similar way that I did it.
I've also put each complete step in re-frame-conj-2016/show/src/show/steps/
if you want to run through
them in order or refer to them separately.
I tried to fix the issues that I encountered in during my presentation but there may still be some remaining, particularly in the snippets or individual steps. If you find one, please let me know or open an issue and I'll try to fix it for you - PR's are welcome too!
If you have any follow-up questions about the talk, please feel free to do one of the following
- Open an issue with your question
- Find me on Clojurians Slack as @shaun-mahood and send me a direct message with your question