Define and insert CSS via javascript. This also generates unique class and id names automatically. Handy when using virtual-dom (or react) inline css as your primary styling.
var jsCss = require("js-managed-css");
var btn_height = 10;
var vars = jsCss({
".$btn": {
"color": "blue",
"height": btn_height + "px",
":hover": {
"color": "red"
"&.active": {
"color": "yello"
"#$nav": {
"> .$link": {
"margin": "0 auto"
//At this point your css was compiled and inserted into the DOM
//"vars" is an object where the keys are your variable names and
//the values are the generated names
//now in your rendering code you can use variables from your css
h("a." + vars.btn, "click me")
Modular css code that lives right next to the js code that depends on it.