Convert a styled ansi string to react spans with classes for the styles
var _ = require('lodash');
var jsCss = require('js-managed-css');
var React = require('react');
var ReactDOM = require('react-dom');
var reactAnsiStyle = require('react-ansi-style');
//build up a styled string to test with
var chalk = require('chalk');
chalk.enabled = true;
var test_styles = _.without(_.keys(chalk.styles), 'reset', 'grey', 'hidden');
var ansi_string =, function(style){
return chalk[style](style);
}).join(' ');
//make this look like a terminal
'html, body': {
'color': '#DDD !important',
'background': '#222 !important',
'line-height': '1.5em',
'font-family': 'mono'
require('react-ansi-style/inject-css');//default css styles
ReactDOM.render(React.createElement('div', null,
//Here is where the magic happens
reactAnsiStyle(React, ansi_string)
), document.body);
A function that returns an array of react span
elements with css classes to style the string.
- yes, pass in the React object, this avoids many of the React's peer-dependancy quirks.str
- the ansi string you want styled.opts.prefix
- a string prefix for the css classes, by default it's 'react-ansi-style-'
This will inject the default CSS styling.