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Drop-in replacement for UISlider with ticks, images & animated labels


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TGP Controls

Build Status CocoaPods Carthage compatible MIT License

Demo Project

Slider with ticks & animated Label (Swift)

TGPControls are drop-in replacement of UISlider & UILabel, with visual preview in Interface Builder, single liner instrumentation, smooth animations, simple API, powerful customization.

What's DiscreteSlider?


TGPDiscreteSlider: A slider with discrete steps (i.e. ticks), discrete range, with customizable track, thumb and ticks. Ideal to select individual steps, star rating, integers, rainbow colors, slices and in general any value that is not a continuum. Just set the number of stops, TGPDiscreteSlider handles the selection and the animations for you.

What's CamelLabels?


TGPCamelLabels: A set of animated labels (dock effect) representing a selection. Can be used alone or in conjunction with a UIControl. Ideal to represent steps. The discrete slider and the camel labels can work in unison.


  1. Written in Swift 4, can be integrated with Swift or Obj-C
  2. TGPControls are AutoLayout, IB Designable and IB Inspectable ready
  3. Version 5.0.1 and better comes with a Swift 4 demo application for iOS 8 and above.
    iOS 7 supported in versions 2.1.0 and earlier
  4. Automatic support for both left-to-right and right-to-left languages


Copyright disclaimer
The above slider is inspired by National Parks by National Geographic iPhone App.
National Parks iPhone App is developed by Rally Interactive LLC.
The above image, styling, appearance and look & feel all Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Society.
TGPControls is not associated with National Geographic Society, Rally Interactive LLC or any of it's subsidiaries.

Fully Customizable


Control everything about the slider or its labels, starting with colors, images and fonts, including track and ticks shape, and thumb shadows. All computations regarding range and sizing and handled automatically. Use the two classes in tandem to create stunning new controls, which can be resized dynamically, to intergrate beautifully into your application.


Most customization can be done in Interface Builder and require zero coding.

How to integrate (iOS 8 and higher)

Using CocoaPods

platform :ios, '8.0'
target 'TGPControlsDemo' do
pod 'TGPControls'

Using Carthage

github "SwiftArchitect/TGPControls"

Besides customization, which you can do entirely under Interface Builder in iOS 8 and later, both TGPDiscreteSlider and TGPCamelLabels require surprisingly little code to integrate.


For simplicity, TGPDiscreteSlider does not descend from UISlider but from UIControl. It uses a minimumValue, a tickCount and an incrementValue (instead of minimumValue and maximumValue). All graphic aspects, such as physical spacing of the ticks or physical width of the track are controlled internally. This makes TGPDiscreteSlider predictable. it is guaranteed to always fit snuggly inside its bounds.

Single step: To use DiscreteSlider + CamelLabels in tandem, you need exactly 1 line of code:

discreteSlider.ticksListener = camelLabels


That's all!
Through the TGPControlsTicksProtocol, the camelLabels listen to value and size changes. You may want to adopt this protocol to handle changes, or use the traditional UIControl notifications:

Advanced Steps (1a): register to notifications (just like any UIControl)

action: #selector(valueChanged(_:event:)),
for: .valueChanged)

Advanced Steps (1b): respond to notification

func valueChanged(_ sender: TGPDiscreteSlider, event:UIEvent) {
self.stepper.value = Double(sender.value)

tickStyle, trackStyle, thumbStyle Properties:

Constant Value
.iOS 0 Gives to any component the iOS appearance: Ticks are invisible, track is blue and gray, thumb is round with a shadow
.rectangular 1 Boxy look with hard edges
.rounded 2 From rounded rectangles to perfects circles, depending on vertical to horizontal ratio
.invisible 3 Surprisingly useful to individually hide ticks, track, or even thumb

Other Properties:

ticksListener a TGPControlsTicksProtocol listener, such as TGPCamelLabels, which receives spacing changes notifications.
allTargets Inherited from UIControl, receives actions for control event
tickStyle See style property
tickSize absolute dimension
tickCount discrete steps, must be 2 or greater
minimumTickTintColor lower side ticks ; takes precedence over minimumTrackTintColor (†1)
maximumTickTintColor higher side ticks ; takes precedence over maximumTrackTintColor (†1)
tickImage a UIImage, fits in tickSize (†)
ticksDistance horizontal spacing (calculated)
trackStyle See style property
trackThickness height
trackImage a UIImage, ignores trackThickness (†2)
minimumTrackTintColor track lower side
maximumTrackTintColor track higher side
thumbStyle See style property
thumbSize absolute size
thumbTintColor background
thumbImage aUIImage, dictates thumbSize (†)
thumbShadowRadius breaking the flat design concept
thumbShadowOffset applied to thumbShadowRadius, may affect control bounds

(†1) Introduced in 5.1.0. (†2) Introduced in 4.0.0. Former versions used a resource name as a string.



Besides font customization, TGPCamelLabels only requires a set of labels (supplied as strings), and an active index selection.

Step 1: tell the TGPCamelLabels what to select (Refer to Single step section above to use DiscreteSlider + CamelLabels in tandem)

camelLabels.value = sender.value

There is no step 2. Most of the customization can be done inside Interface Builder.


tickCount design only (preferrably not to be used): the number of ticks is driven by the number of elements in the names array
names supplies a new set of labels ; supersedes the tickCount property, which will return the number of labels. A typical use may be camelLabels.names = ["OFF", "ON"]
ticksListener ties a discrete slider to its camel labels. This is your most robust method to not only ensure that the layout of both controls match exactly, but also adjust this spacing when orientation changes. A typical use may be discreteSlider.ticksListener = camelLabels
ticksDistance override the labels spacing entirely ; prefer the ticksListener mechanism if it is available to you. A typical use may be camelLabels.ticksDistance = 15
value which label is emphasized (selected)
backgroundColor labels become tap-through (click-through) when set to UIColor.clear ; use TGPCamelLabels on top of other UI elements, even native iOS objects!(*)

(*) You can tap on the UISwitch laid out either under or below the camel labels: uiswitch

Edges & Animation
numberOfLiness Support for multiple lines labels
offCenter leftmost and righmost labels only: relative inset expressed as a proportion of individual label width: 0: none, +0.5: nudge in by a half width (fully fit) or -0.5: draw completely outside
insets leftmost and righmost labels only: absolute inset expressed in pixels
emphasisLayout emphasized (selected) labels vertical alignment ; .top, .centerY or .bottom. Default is .top (‡)
regularLayout regular labels vertical alignment ; .top, .centerY or .bottom. Default is .bottom (‡)

(‡) No camel animation will occur when emphasisLayout = regularLayout, i.e. .centerY.

Emphasized labels
upFontName font
upFontSize size
upFontColor color
Regular labels
dnFontName font
dnFontSize size
dnFontColor color

Code example (Swift)

See TGPControlsDemo project: TGPControlsDemo (Modern Swift syntax + IBInspectable)

Running the demo using Carthage

  1. cd TGPControlsDemo
  2. carthage update
  3. open TGPControlsDemo.xcodeproj
  4. Select scheme TGPControlsDemo Cart
  5. Build & run

Running the demo using Cocoapods

  1. cd TGPControlsDemo
  2. pod install
  3. open TGPControlsDemo.xcworkspace
  4. Select scheme TGPControlsDemo Pods
  5. Build & run
import UIKit
import TGPControls

class ViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var oneTo10Labels: TGPCamelLabels!
@IBOutlet weak var oneTo10Slider: TGPDiscreteSlider!
@IBOutlet weak var alphabetLabels: TGPCamelLabels!
@IBOutlet weak var alphabetSlider: TGPDiscreteSlider!
@IBOutlet weak var switch1Camel: TGPCamelLabels!

override func viewDidLoad() {

alphabetLabels.names = [
switch1Camel.names = ["OFF", "ON"]

// Automatically track tick spacing and value changes
alphabetSlider.ticksListener = alphabetLabels
oneTo10Slider.ticksListener = oneTo10Labels

// MARK: - UISwitch
@IBAction func switch1ValueChanged(_ sender: UISwitch) {
switch1Camel.value = (sender.isOn) ? 1 : 0

Customization examples




Drop-in replacement for UISlider with ticks, images & animated labels







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  • Swift 92.1%
  • Ruby 7.2%
  • Objective-C 0.7%