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Open Source GeoSocial Intelligence Framework

####cognicity-reports-detik: Module for cognicity-reports module to collect reports from Detik API.

Build Status

DOI for current stable release v2.0.0: DOI


Cognicity-reports-detik is the NodeJS reports module for collecting relevant articles from the Detik API. For detailed framework documentation see This module is not designed to be run standalone but is designed to be run as a submodule of cognicity-reports, which can run just with this submodule alone.

API Documentation


  • NodeJS version 4.2.1 or compatible

Node Modules

  • Check package.json for details

If you're going to commit changes to the JavaScript, be sure to run 'npm test' first - and fix any issues that it complains about, otherwise the build will fail when you push the commit.


Please install this as a submodule of cognicity-reports. Please refer to the documentation of that project for further information.

Install the node dependencies for this submodule as listed in package.json using npm: npm install

Platform-specific notes

To build on OS X we recommend using homebrew to install node, npm, and required node modules as follows:

brew install node
npm install

To build on Windows we recommend installing all dependencies and running npm install.


App configuration parameters are stored in a configuration file which is parsed by DetikDataSource.js. See sample-detik-config.js for an example configuration.

Detik parameters

  • serviceURL - URL to the Detik service API, including topic number. E.g.
  • pollInterval - How long to wait between checking the URL for new articles, in milliseconds. E.g. 1000 * 60 * 5 = 5min
  • historicalLoadPeriod - How old an article can be and still be processed, in milliseconds. E.g. 1000 * 60 * 60 = 1hr
  • pg.table_detik - Database table used to store Detik reports
  • pg.table_detik_users - Database tables used to store Detik report counts per user



To run the full set of tests, run:

npm test

This will run the following tests:


JSHint will run on all JavaScript files in the root folder and test folders.

Running the script:

npm run jshint

This will print an error to the screen if any problems are found.


Mocha will run all unit tests in the test folder and can be run with the following script:

npm run mocha

The test output will tell you how many tests passed and failed.

Git Hooks

There is a git pre-commit hook which will run the 'npm test' command before your commit and will fail the commit if testing fails.

To use this hook, copy the file from 'git-hooks/pre-commit' to '.git/hooks/pre-commit' in your project folder.

cp git-hooks/pre-commit .git/hooks/


To build the JSDoc documentation run the following npm script:

npm run build-docs

This will generate the API documentation in HTML format in the docs folder, where you can open it with a web browser.

Test Coverage

To build test code coverage documentation, run the following npm script:

npm run coverage

This will run istanbul code coverage over the full mocha test harness and produce HTML documentation in the directory coverage where you can open it with a web browser.


The release procedure is as follows:

  • Update the file with the newly released version, date, and a high-level overview of changes. Commit the change.
  • Create a tag in git from the current head of master. The tag version should be the same as the version specified in the package.json file - this is the release version.
  • Update the version in the package.json file and commit the change.
  • Further development is now on the updated version number until the release process begins again.


This software is released under the GPLv3 License. See License.txt for details.