This repo contains a client for the API. The client aims to be fully PS7 compatible.
You will need a PSR compliant HTTP client:
composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle php-http/guzzle6-adapter nyholm/psr7
This library should be simple to use in any Laravel project.
The only class needed to be registered in the container will
be the Smartbnb\RemoteLockApi\Client\Settings
class, all other
classes should be compliant with Laravel's dependency resolver given
you have a PS7 compliant HTTP client installed via composer.
use Smartbnb\RemoteLockApi\Client\Settings;
class ExampleServiceProvider
public function boot()
$this->app->singleton(Settings::class, function () {
return new Settings(
use Smartbnb\RemoteLockApi\AccessPersons;
use Smartbnb\RemoteLockApi\Entities\AccessGuest;
use Smartbnb\RemoteLockApi\Client\DataBuilder;
use Smartbnb\RemoteLockApi\Properties\SimpleProperty;
class Controller
public function someMethod(AccessPersons $accessPersons, DataBuilder $dataBuilder)
/** @var AccessGuest $accessGuest */
$accessGuest = $accessPersons->createAccessGuest()
new SimpleProperty('type', 'access_guest'),
new SimpleProperty('attributes[name]', 'John Doe'),
new SimpleProperty('attributes[pin]', 1234)