NvChad cheatsheet as a standalone neovim plugin
- Customizable header
- Customizable colors through highlight gruops
- Responsive and scrollable grid
- Document all your keymaps by providing a simple table
- With lazy.nvim
local M = { 'smartinellimarco/nvcheatsheet.nvim' }
M.opts = {
-- Default header
header = {
" ",
" ",
" ",
"█▀▀ █░█ █▀▀ ▄▀█ ▀█▀ █▀ █░█ █▀▀ █▀▀ ▀█▀",
"█▄▄ █▀█ ██▄ █▀█ ░█░ ▄█ █▀█ ██▄ ██▄ ░█░",
" ",
" ",
" ",
-- Example keymaps (this doesn't create any)
keymaps = {
['Oil'] = {
{ 'Toggle oil (closes without saving)', '<leader>q' },
{ 'Select entry', '⏎' },
{ 'Select entry', 'l' },
{ 'Go to parent', 'h' },
{ 'Open vertical split', '⌃v' },
{ 'Open horizontal split', '⌃x' },
{ 'Go to current working directory', '.' },
['Cmp'] = {
{ 'Select entry', '⌃f' },
{ 'Next result - Jump to next snippet placeholder', '⌃n' },
{ 'Previous result - Jump to previous snippet placeholder', '⌃p' },
{ 'Scroll up in preview', '⌃u' },
{ 'Scroll down in preview', '⌃d' },
{ 'Abort autocompletion', '⌃e' },
['Comment'] = {
{ 'Comment line toggle', 'gcc' },
{ 'Comment block toggle', 'gbc' },
{ 'Comment visual selection', 'gc' },
{ 'Comment visual selection using block delimiters', 'gb' },
{ 'Comment out text object line wise', 'gc<motion>' },
{ 'Comment out text object block wise', 'gb<motion>' },
{ 'Add comment on the line above', 'gcO' },
{ 'Add comment on the line below', 'gco' },
{ 'Add comment at the end of line', 'gcA' },
function M.config(_, opts)
local nvcheatsheet = require('nvcheatsheet')
-- You can also close it with <Esc>
vim.keymap.set('n', '<F1>', nvcheatsheet.toggle)
return M
-- vim: ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 et
This plugin requires your colorscheme to support these highlight groups:
local M = {}
function M.highlight(palette, opts)
return {
NvChAsciiHeader = { bg = palette.bg, fg = palette.fg }, -- Title
NvChSection = { bg = palette.alt_bg }, -- Each card
-- Colors for the headers
NvCheatsheetWhite = { bg = palette.white, fg = palette.bg },
NvCheatsheetGray = { bg = palette.gray, fg = palette.fg },
NvCheatsheetBlue = { bg = palette.blue, fg = palette.bg },
NvCheatsheetCyan = { bg = palette.cyan, fg = palette.bg },
NvCheatsheetRed = { bg = palette.red, fg = palette.fg },
NvCheatsheetGreen = { bg = palette.green, fg = palette.bg },
NvCheatsheetYellow = { bg = palette.yellow, fg = palette.bg },
NvCheatsheetOrange = { bg = palette.orange, fg = palette.bg },
NvCheatsheetPurple = { bg = palette.purple, fg = palette.fg },
NvCheatsheetMagenta = { bg = palette.magenta, fg = palette.bg },
return M
-- vim: ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 et
extensions = {
sections = {
lualine_a = {
return 'Cheatsheet'
filetypes = { 'nvcheatsheet' },
- NvChad - For providing the source code