BET is in active development. Hence, some features are still being added and you may find bugs we have overlooked. If you find something please report these problems to us through GitHub so that we can fix them. Thanks!
Please note that we are using continuous integration and issues for bug tracking.
This code has been documented with sphinx. the documentation is available online at to build documentation run
make html
in the doc/
To build/update the documentation use the following commands::
sphinx-apidoc -f -o doc bet
cd doc/
make html
make html
This creates the relevant documentation at bet/gh-pages/html
To change the build location of the documentation you will need to update doc/makefile
You will need to run sphinx-apidoc and reinstall bet anytime a new module or method in the source code has been added.
If only the *.rst
files have changed then you can simply run make html
twice in the doc folder.
Useful scripts are contained in examples/
, as are the following sets of example Jupyter Notebooks:
- Plotting (this allows execution any of the following examples and plots the associated results)
- Contaminant Transport
- Validation Example
- Linear (QoI) Sensitivity
- Linear Map
Furthermore, the examples/templates
directory contains a notebook that serves as a template for the examples.
You can also try out BET in your browser using Binder.
To run tests in serial call::
To run tests in parallel call::
mpirun -np nproc nosetests
Make you to have a working MPI environment (we recommend mpich).
requires the following packages:
(Note: you may need to set ~/.config/matplotlib/matplotlibrc
to include backend:agg
if there is no DISPLAY
port in your environment).