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Document upload

michaellau-smbc edited this page Oct 5, 2020 · 8 revisions

Refer to Stockport Design System for styling information and reference images

DSL properties

Property Type Required Default Value Description
QuestionId string ✔️ Unique question id
Label string ✔️ Label associated with the question
LabelAsH1 bool false Display Label as h1 not a label (if this is set to true, HideTitle in the Page properties should also be set to true)
Hint string Hint which appears above the date picker input
IAG string Inset text to appear below the Label. NOTE: Do not use both Hint and IAG, use only one
TargetMapping string Used for custom object mapping when creating submit data (more info about target mapping)
AllowedFileTypes Array[string] [".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".pdf", ".docx", ".doc", ".odt"] Set the accepted file types
MaxFileSize string 23.5Mb The maximum file size in Mb (the default value is the maximum accepted value)

File upload examples

DS Json for document upload:

          "Type": "FileUpload",
          "Properties": {
            "QuestionId": "fileUpload",
            "Label": "Upload",
            "TargetMapping": "customer.file",
            "AllowedFileTypes": [ ".jpg", ".png" ],
            "MaxFileSize": "50"
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