Ginan is a processing package being developed to processes GNSS observations for geodetic applications.
We currently support the processing of:
- the United States' Global Positioning System (GPS);
- the Russian GLONASS system (GLONASS);
- the European Union's Galileo system (Galileo);
- the Chinese Navigation Satellite System (BeiDou);
- the Japanese QZSS develop system (QZSS).
We are actively developing Ginan to have the following capabilities and features:
- Precise Orbit & Clock determination of GNSS satellites (GNSS POD);
- Precise Point Positioning (PPP) of GNSS stations in network and individual mode;
- Real-Time corrections for PPP users;
- Analyse full, single and multi-frequency, multi-GNSS data;
- Delivering atmospheric products such as ionosphere and troposphere models;
- Servicing a wide range of users and receiver types;
- Delivering outputs usable and accessible by non-experts;
- Providing both a real-time and off-line processing capability;
- Delivering both position and integrity information;
- Routinely produce IGS final, rapid, ultra-rapid and real-time (RT) products;
- Model Ocean Tide Loading (OTL) displacements.
The software consists of two main components: Network Parameter Estimation Algorithm (PEA) and Precise Orbit Determination (POD).
Ginan is supported on the following platforms
- Linux
- MacOS
You can download Ginan source from github using git clone:
$ git clone
Then download all of the example data using the python script provided:
$ python3 scripts/
├── ! General README information
├── ! Software License information
├── aws/ ! Amazon Web Services config
├── bin/ ! Binary executables directory*
├── CMakeLists.txt ! Cmake build file
├── docs/ ! Documentation directory
├── examples/ ! Ginan examples directory
│ ├── data/ ! example dataset (rinex files)**
│ ├── products/ ! example products and aux files**
│ ├── solutions/ ! example solutions for QC**
│ --------------PEA examples--------------
│ ├── ex11 ! PEA example 1
│ ├── ex12 ! PEA example 2
│ ├── ex13 ! PEA example 3
│ ├── ex14 ! PEA example 4
│ ├── ex15 ! PEA example 5
│ ├── ex17 ! PEA example 7
│ ├── ex18 ! PEA example 8
│ --------------POD examples--------------
│ ├── ex21 ! POD example 1
│ ├── ex22 ! POD example 2
│ ├── ex23 ! POD example 3
│ ├── ex24 ! POD example 4
│ ├── ex25 ! POD example 5
│ └── ex26 ! POD example 6
├── lib/ ! Compiled objectlibrary directory*
├── scripts/ ! Auxillary Python and Shell scripts and libraries
└── src/ ! Source code directory
├── cpp/ ! PEA source code
├── fortran/ ! POD source code
├── cmake/
├── doc_templates/
├── build/ ! Cmake build directory*
└── CMakeLists.txt
*created during installation process
**created by
If you wish to use Ubuntu Linux, you can quickly create your environment by downloading the docker image:
$ docker pull gnssanalysis/ginan:v1.0-alpha
Otherwise Ginan has several software dependencies:
- C/C++ and Fortran compiler. We use and recommend gcc-g++ and gfortran
- BLAS and LAPACK linear algebra libraries. We use and recommend OpenBlas as this contains both libraries required
- CMAKE > 3.0
- YAML > 0.6
- Boost > 1.70 (tested on 1.73)
- Eigen3
- netCDF4
- Python3 (tested on Python 3.7)
Update the base operating system:
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade
Install base utilities gcc
, gfortran
, git
, openssl
, openblas
$ sudo apt install -y git gobjc gobjc++ gfortran libopenblas-dev openssl curl net-tools openssh-server cmake make libssl1.0-dev
Depending on the user's installation choice: install PEA-only, POD-only or all software packages, a set of additional dependencies that need to be built may change. Below, we explain building all the additional dependencies:
First, create a temporary directory structure to make the dependencies in, it can be removed after the installation process is done:
$ sudo mkdir -p /data/tmp
$ cd /data/tmp
Note that /data/tmp
is only used here as example and can be any directory
We are using the YAML library to parse the configuration files used to run many of the programs found in this library. Here is an example of how to install the yaml library from source:
$ cd /data/tmp
$ sudo git clone
$ cd yaml-cpp
$ sudo mkdir cmake-build
$ cd cmake-build
$ sudo cmake .. -DCMAKE\_INSTALL\_PREFIX=/usr/local/ -DYAML\_CPP\_BUILD\_TESTS=OFF
$ sudo make install yaml-cpp
$ cd ../..
$ sudo rm -fr yaml-cpp
PEA relies on a number of the utilities provided by boost, such as their time and logging libraries.
$ cd /data/tmp/
$ sudo wget -c
$ sudo gunzip boost_1_73_0.tar.gz
$ sudo tar xvf boost_1_73_0.tar
$ cd boost_1_73_0/
$ sudo ./
$ sudo ./b2 install
$ cd ..
$ sudo rm -fr boost_1_73_0/ boost_1_73_0.tar
Eigen3 is used for performing matrix calculations in PEA, and has a very nice API.
$ cd /data/tmp/
$ sudo git clone
$ cd eigen
$ sudo mkdir cmake-build
$ cd cmake-build
$ sudo cmake ..
$ sudo make install
$ cd ../..
$ sudo rm -rf eigen
Needed for realtime preview of the processed results (developers-only)
$ wget
$ tar -xvf mongo-c-driver-1.17.1.tar.gz
$ cd mongo-c-driver-1.17.1/
$ mkdir cmakebuild
$ cd cmakebuild/
$ cmake --build .
$ sudo cmake --build . --target install
$ cd ../../
$ curl -OL
$ tar -xzf mongo-cxx-driver-r3.6.0.tar.gz
$ cd mongo-cxx-driver-r3.6.0/
$ cd build/
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local ..
$ sudo cmake --build . --target EP_mnmlstc_core
$ cmake --build .
$ sudo cmake --build . --target install
$ wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
$ echo "deb [ arch=amd64,arm64 ] focal/mongodb-org/4.4 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-4.4.list
$ echo "deb [ arch=amd64,arm64 ] bionic/mongodb-org/4.4 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-4.4.list
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install mongodb-org
$ sudo systemctl start mongod
$ sudo systemctl status mongod
$ mongod
$ sudo apt -y install libnetcdf-dev libnetcdf-c++4-dev
Prepare a directory to build in, its better practise to keep this seperated from the source code.
$ cd src
$ mkdir -p build
$ cd build
Run cmake to find the build dependencies and create the make file. If you wish to enable the optional MONGO DB utilities you will need to add the -DENABLE_MONGODB=TRUE
flag. If you wish to compile an optimised version, typically this version will run 3 times faster but you may run into compile problems depending on your system, add the -DOPTIMISATION=TRUE
To build every package simply run make
or make -j 2
, where 2 is a number of parallel threads you want to use for the compilation:
$ make [-j 2]
To build specific package (e.g. PEA or POD), run as below:
$ make pea -j 2
$ make pod -j 2
This should create executables in the bin
directory of Ginan.
Check to see if you can execute the PEA:
$ ../../bin/pea --help
and you should see something similar to:
PEA starting... (pea_pod_examples vbf8c9cc from Tue Jul 6 06:09:50 2021)
--help Help
--quiet Less output
--verbose More output
--very-verbose Much more output
--config arg Configuration file
--trace_level arg Trace level
--antenna arg ANTEX file
--navigation arg Navigation file
--sinex arg SINEX file
--sp3files arg Orbit (SP3) file
--clkfiles arg Clock (CLK) file
--dcbfiles arg Code Bias (DCB) file
--bsxfiles arg Bias Sinex (BSX) file
--ionfiles arg Ionosphere (IONEX) file
--podfiles arg Orbits (POD) file
--blqfiles arg BLQ (Ocean loading) file
--erpfiles arg ERP file
--elevation_mask arg Elevation Mask
--max_epochs arg Maximum Epochs
--epoch_interval arg Epoch Interval
--rnx arg RINEX station file
--root_input_dir arg Directory containg the input data
--root_output_directory arg Output directory
--start_epoch arg Start date/time
--end_epoch arg Stop date/time
--run_rts_only arg RTS filename (without _xxxxx suffix)
--dump-config-only Dump the configuration and exit
--input_persistance Begin with previously stored filter and
navigation states
--output_persistance Store filter and navigation states for restarting
PEA finished
Similarly, check the POD:
$ ../../bin/pod --help
This returns:
Earth Radiation Model (ERM): 1
Default master POD config file =
To run from default config file: ../../bin/pod or ../../bin/pod -c config file options by defaut can be overridden on the command line
Command line: ../../bin/pod -m -s -o -a -p -r -t -n -i -u -q -k -w -y -h
-m --podmode = POD Mode:
1 - Orbit Determination (pseudo-observations; orbit fitting)
2 - Orbit Determination and Prediction
3 - Orbit Integration (Equation of Motion only)
4 - Orbit Integration and Partials (Equation of Motion and Variational Equations)
-s --pobs = Pseudo observations orbit .sp3 file name
-o --cobs = Comparison orbit .sp3 file name
-a --arclen = Orbit Estimation Arc length (hours)
-p --predlen = Orbit Prediction Arc length (hours)
-r --eopf = Earth Orientation Paramaeter (EOP) values file
-t --eopsol = Earth Orientation Paramaeter file type: (1,2,3)
1 - IERS C04 EOP
2 - IERS RS/PC Daily EOP
3 - IGS RP + IERS RS/PC Daily (dX,dY)
-n --nutpre = IAU Precession / Nutation model
2000 - IAU2000A
2006 - IAU2006/2000A
-i --estiter = Orbit Estimatimation Iterations (1 or greater)
-u --sp3vel = Output .sp3 file with velocities
0 - Do not write Velocity vector to sp3 orbit
1 - Write Velocity vector to sp3 orbit
-q --icmode = Initial condition from parameter estimation procedure
-k --srpmodel= 1: ECOM1, 2:ECOM2, 12:ECOM12, 3:SBOX
-w --empmodel= 1: activated, 0: no estimation
-d --verbosity = output verbosity level [Default: 0]
-y --yaml = yaml config file
-h --help. = Print program help
../../bin/pod -m 1 -q 1 -k 1 -w 0 -s igs16403.sp3 -o igs16403.sp3 -y ex1.yaml
../../bin/pod -m 2 -q 1 -k 1 -w 0 -s igs16403.sp3 -p 12 -y ex2.yaml
For orbit updates using Parameter Estimation Algorithm (PEA):
../../bin/pod -m 4 -q 2 -k 1 -w 0 -s igs16403.sp3 -o igs16403.sp3 -y ex3.yaml
Ginan documentation consists of two parts: a doxygen-generated documentation that shows the actual code infrastructure and a detailed manual, written in latex, that provides an overview of the software, a thoretical background, a detailed "how to" guide etc. Below, we explain on how to generate each bit of documentation:
The Doxygen documentation for Ginan requires doxygen
and graphviz
. If not already installed, type as follows:
$ sudo apt -y install doxygen graphviz
On success, proceed to the build directory and call make with doc_doxygen
$ cd src/build
$ make doc_doxygen
The docs can then be found at docs/html/index.html
. Note that documentation is generated automatically if make
is called without arguments and doxygen
and graphviz
dependencies are satisfied.
A detailed Ginan manual is located in docs/manual
and is in latex format. To compile Latex to pdf you will need a compiler, such as texlive:
$ sudo apt install texlive-latex-base texlive-latex-extra
Now, go to docs/manual
and generate the pdf:
$ cd docs/manual
$ pdflatex main.tex
$ makeglossaries main
$ pdflatex main.tex
file should now appear in the directory.
Congratulations! You are now ready to trial the examples of PEA and POD from the examples directory. See Ginan's manual for detailed explanation of each example. Note that examples have relative paths to files in them and rely on the presence of products
, data
and solutions
directories inside the examples
directory. Make sure you've run
from the Download step of this instruction.
The paths are relative to the examples directory and hence all the examples must be run from the examples
cd ../../examples
To run the first example of the PEA:
../bin/pea --config ex11_pea_pp_user_gps.yaml
This should create ex11
directory with ex11-ALIC201919900.TRACE
and ex1120624.snx
output files. You can remove the need for path specification to the executable by adding Ginan's bin directory to ~/.bachrc
And an example of POD:
../bin/pod -y ex21_pod_fit_gps.yaml
At the completion of the test run, ex21
directory should be create. The
script will return any differences to the standard test resuts.
Lastly, to run many of the included scripts for fast parsing of .trace/.snx files, plotting of results, automatic running of the PEA based on input date/times and stations, etc. then a number of python dependencies are needed.
The file scripts/conda_gn37.yaml has a list of the necessary python dependencies. The best way to take advantage of this is to install the Miniconda virtual environment manager. This will allow you to pass the .yaml file into the conda command and automatically set up a new python environment.
To install Miniconda, download and execute the Miniconda shell file:
$ wget
$ bash
And follow the on-screen instructions (choosing all defaults is fine).
After installation you can create the gn37
python environment using a prepared receipy. First open a new terminal session and enter:
$ conda env create -f <dir_to_ginan>/scripts/conda_gn37.yaml
You have now created the virtual python environment gn37
with all necessary dependencies. Anytime you wish you run python scripts, ensure you are in the virtual environment by activating:
$ conda activate gn37
And then run your desired script from the scripts