To build the distribution run
./gradlew distTar
./gradlew distZip
To create a distribution for local testing run
./gradlew installDist
You can then test the distribution for extracting product fields:
cd build/install/evaluator
echo '' > urls.txt
echo '' >> urls.txt
./bin/evaluator urls.txt ../../../src/test/resources/test_template.yaml ~/HTMLCacheDir product
which should output
url title Men's Finder™ Rain Jacket Women's StretchDown™ Jacket
Test for extracting general fields:
cd build/install/evaluator
echo '' > urls.txt
./bin/evaluator urls.txt ../../../src/test/resources/general_template.yaml ~/HTMLCacheDir general
which should output
url publish_datetime May 29, 2019
Note that the HTML contents of each URL are cached on disk, in the folder specified by the 3rd parameter (~/HTMLCacheDir). When the above command is repeated, the execution is noticeably faster, because of the cache hit.