collection of shell utilities, written in bash.
(once they become large or more useful, they will probably get moved to their own repositories)
exes is for doing things like:
$ cd ~/bin $ for script in `pyscripts`; do head -1 $script; done | sort | uniq -c 1 #!/usr/bin/env python 1 #!/usr/bin/env python2 13 #!/usr/bin/env python3
- if args given, uses those directories instead of current directory
- if args given are files, will end up "filtering"
exes | outputs list of executables in the current directory |
bins | only non-text executables |
files | only files |
scripts | only scripts, as determined by file magic |
pyscripts | only python scripts |
shscripts | only shell or bash scripts |
- accommodates filenames with newlines, but delimits output with them
- probably directories with newlines given as arguments would break
- inefficient if file list given, calls 'find' on each one of them
- bash behavior for readarray with null delimiter might change
- '-t' not needed for nulls, needed for newlines; inconsistent
select and display particular processes.
is a suite of convenience wrapper functions for ps
utilities, selecting processes with the requested attributes. It will
output using a standard format, without a header line, so the fields
must be memorized.
can be given to some commands to display only the pids rather
than the ps
output fields.
daemons | direct descendants of init |
headless | no ctty, non-kernel |
kthreads | kernel threads |
leaders | session leaders |
sessions | session leaders |
procs | userspace processes |
psa | by given regex, full table if no arg |
psf | children of given parents, recursive |
psl | session leader with specified name |
psp | select the given pids |
pspg | select from the given process groups |
pspp | select by parent pid |
pss | select by session id |
pst | select by tty |
convenience date wrappers, implemented in
now today tomorrow yesterday thisweek lastweek nextweek thismonth lastmonth thisyear
Switches tmux client's focused tty to the one with number
or pid
- switch the focused window to the right tty with
from - if you end up in a tmux window, but it's not the right one, use
with the tty of some process you're trying to find that has the given controlling tty, ortmuxpid
if you know the pid.
Either of these will require appropriate privileges to do everything. In most cases that's just your user but sometimes switching to privileged windows doesn't work without sudo.
srcdirs: | all git repos in $1 with config attribute $2 == 'true' printed |
dirties: | outputs all srcdirs that have any 'modified' statuses |
- default srcdir
- default attribute
- does not handle spaces in repo paths (and newline is OFS)
- works only with non-bare repositories
Shell wrappers for listing files and directories (in
). For
details of the flags used, it's better to look inside the script.
lsa | list all |
lsf | only files |
lsd | only directories |
lst | by modtime |
lsc | by ctime |
lstc | by ctime |
lsh | no dotfiles |
lsu | unsorted |
lw | wide |
lsr | wide nopage (?) |
llatest | show the latest file |
loldest | show the oldest file |
send signals to groups of processes. implemented in
ppause | send SIGSTOP to PGID of oldest proc matching given pgrep pattern |
presume | send SIGCONT instead |
pterm | send SIGTERM instead |
command line encode/decode of urls to clean http refs. implemented in
. Requires php be installed for rawurlencode()
. Todo: python.
vimcmd: execute given vim commands with its --cmd
redirecting output to stdout, and after which vim will quit
vimver: use vimcmd
to print vim's v:versionlong
as a line to
display file creation dates
show mountpoint and free megabytes of files/dirs from $@
- compares all functions that exist in both source files $1 and $2
- any remaining args restrict comparison to only those function names
- system must support "ctags -x" (ie exuberant, universal)
- outputs universal diff hunks for each differing function, or nothing
- function signature line (the ctags referent line) is not compared
- functions must end on a line with trailing brace in column 0
- only tested with C files
break input into columns by width of its longest word, fill to $COLUMNS
get the cwd of the given pids
initialize environment, fork/exec, setsid/disown, stdout/err to syslog
- performs all the steps daemons do in C programs, but for shell scripts
- use logger to redirect stdout and stderr to syslog using given prefix
- starts daemon with clean environment (only "standard" base env retained)
- arg1: quoted string, will be unquoted to make argv for invoked program
- arg2: prefix to use (less colons) in syslog messages
- (if one arg supplied, log prefix will be invocation name)
find latest regular file in dirtree by mtime, print parsable mtime stdout
- allow other kinds of times to be tested
- make sure this will handle filenames with newlines
- flags to print the name, the date, or both
- handle other kinds of inodes besides regular files
find files in temporal proximity.
outputs matching files that:
- are located somewhere within user-specified tree, and
- have mtimes within specified range of reference file
- arg1: allowed +/- mtime variance
- arg2: mtime reference file
- arg3: match files only in tree rooted here
- argN: [treeN] ...
- if only one arg, use $default_variance and file's parent
- allow ctime in addition to mtime
- handle case of filenames starting with '-'
todo: look in other places, allow user to specify, getopt
gets a yes or no from the user:
exits success for yes, failure for no
checks if google has indexed the given page
start program as user with green environment (clean but sane)
- must be invoked as root (use sudo)
- arg1: user to run as
- argN: argument vector for program
- wraps program invocation as different user via sudo -u
- only basic/minimal sanitized version of environment passed in
- does not involve session layer, pam, etc
- impetus for this program was originally a "gem install" user+wrapper
- beyond that, useful to replace: su -lc "env - ENV=ENV1 ... args" user
- redhat 'runuser' would work, but see debian bug 8700
- waiting for upstream util-linux release
- update: may be deprecated; runuser now is in jessie
- update: debian runuser starts login shell, uses pam?!?! (todo: verify)
- update: sudo uses pam anyways!
- integrate with ~/.bash/{init,env}
- does not handle spaces in any of the exports
- embeds call to sudo -- NOT GOOD, was whole point of runuser
sets up some LESS term overrides so display is better, and then executes
converts markdown file to roff macros, typesets for term and pages
- input file can be optionally compressed (.gz)
- input file can be optionally without .md or .md.gz extension
deps: pandoc
creds: snarfed pandoc invocation: Keith Thompson
- refactor this, at least 2 factors to reduce on
- does not handle spaces
- barfs if one of the filename variants does not exist
dump contents of heap memory and filter through strings
. reads
to determine heap mapping, and reads only that.
memstrings <pid>
recursively makes dirs group-owned, setgid, and copies user mode to group
- system group to chgrp given as $1
- all remaining args: trees to be recursively converted
by either stdin or the given files, remove their comments and emit on stdout. knows only very simple comments like hashmarks.
replacement with different/better options:
rename [options | <from-string> <to-string>] <file> ... -p/--prepend <string to add to beginning> -a/--append <string to add to end> -P/--unprepend <string to remove from beginning> -A/--unappend <string to remove from end>
Debian removed rename.ul from its util-linux installation, so we have to write our own. While we're at it, we add a couple options to make it easier to to prepend or append something without needing empty string argument (which only works to append), although we still take one to allow the interface to be used the same way
see also
display thesaurus entries using dict -d moby-thesaurus
apt, dpkg convenience wrapper
pkgsearch | searches packages, only names |
short | searches packages, only first line of description |
search | searches packages, full description and fields |
desc | displays description metadata from the named package |
url | displays the home page url |
ls | displays file contents in package (list, files, contents) |
install | passes args to apt-get install |
- verify names in "also"
- does not handle spaces in package names or other input, as usual
wraps coreutils 'truncate', making all args zero bytes
args: any options and files to give to 'truncate'