A small web-based monitoring dashboard for your linux pc/server, Connecting to Wifi and Handling files on Linux Server writen in Python and Django + Chart.js.
The dashboard is built using only Python libraries available in the main Python distribution, trying to create a small list of dependencies without the need of installing many packages or libraries.
Current dependencies:
= Django 1.5
= Python 2.x
= Python 3.x
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt-get install git python-pip apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi
- sudo apt-get install python2.7
- Unzip the Embedded Device Control
- cd Embedded Device Control
- sudo pip install -r Requirements.txt
- cd EmbeddedControl
- sudo python2 manage.py createsuperuser (Then enter Username and Password)
- sudo python2 manage.py runserver and Your Server Would be running in local and Login with Credientials set in Step 8
EmbeddedControl will allow you to retrieve data remotely if needed. This can be useful if you want to store any of the data in a database or another application.
Data is being returned in JSON format and can be easy retrieved and stored as long as a session is being created to EmbeddedControl for login. For session and how-to use sessions please see https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.6/topics/http/sessions/ .
EmbeddedControl has a list of short URLs which you can use to retrieve the specific JSON datasets/lists. The URLs are as follows:
/fileUpload/ - File Handling /info/wifi - Wifi /info/uptime/ - Uptime /info/platform/hostname/ - Hostname /info/platform/osname/ - OS Name /info/platform/kernel/ - Kernel /info/getcpus/cpucount/ - Number of CPU cores /info/getcpus/cputype/ - Type/Name of CPU /info/memory/ - Memory Usage /info/cpuusage/ - CPU Usage in percentage(%), free and used /info/getdisk/ - Disk Usage /info/getusers/ - Online Users /info/getips/ - IP Addresses /info/gettraffic/ - Internet Traffic /info/getdiskio/ - Disk Reads/Writes /info/proc/ - Running Processes /info/loadaverage/ - Load Average /info/getnetstat/ - Netstat To see the format of the JSON returned datasets or data you can access any of the URLs from your browser as http://youEmbeddedControlip/url , ex. http://demo.EmbeddedControl.net/info/uptime/ .
EmbeddedControl was tested and runs under the following OS's:
- Centos
- Fedora
- Ubuntu
- Debian
- Raspbian
- Pidora
- Arch Linux
Might work under others, but didn't get to test any other OSs just yet.