Supplemental evil-mode key-bindings to Emacs org-mode. This project is a continuation of by Edward Tjörnhammar. From version 1.3 it was taken over by Somelauw. See changelog for a history of changes.
- normal, visual and insert mode bindings
- key bindings organised in key themes
- operators like > and < to work on headings
- text objects
- table support
Full overview of bindings and configuration
key | explanation |
gh, gj, gk, gl | navigate between elements |
vae | select an element |
key | explanation |
M-ret | insert heading |
TAB | fold / unfold headings |
M-h or << | promote a heading |
M-l or >> | demote a heading |
M-k | move subtree up |
M-j | move subtree down |
M-S-h or <aR | promote a subtree |
M-S-l or >aR | demote a subtree |
vaR | select a subtree |
key | explanation |
( | previous table cell |
) | next table cell |
{ | beginning of table |
} | end of table |
M-h / M-l | move table column left / right |
M-k / M-j | move table column up / down |
vae | select table cell |
vaE | select table row |
var | select whole table |
- org-mode, git://
- evil-mode,
mkdir -p ~/.emacs.d/plugins; git clone
git:// ~/.emacs.d/plugins/evil-org
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/plugins/evil-org")
(require 'evil-org)
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'evil-org-mode)
(evil-org-set-key-theme '(navigation insert textobjects additional))
Or you can customize evil-org-key-theme
and replace the last line by:
(use-package evil-org
:ensure t
:after org
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'evil-org-mode)
(add-hook 'evil-org-mode-hook
(lambda ()
For a more elaborate setup, take a look at this example.
In case you run Emacs in a terminal, you might find that TAB
does not work
as expected (being bound to evil-jump-forward
instead of org-tab
You can add this to your configuration to get org-tab
instead at the cost
of losing C-i
to jump.
(setq evil-want-C-i-jump nil)
- evil-org-mode by edwtjo Original org-mode plugin by edwtjo from which this project was forked
- org-evil by GuiltyDolphin Alternative integration of evil and org with different keybindings
- Not an evil plugin, but provides vim-inspired key bindings
- Org mode plugin for vim
- The official org-mode website
- A handy cheat sheet, even if using this plugin
- Similar project for markdown code
Gnu General Public License v3.0,