Releases: smileyborg/UIView-AutoLayout
Releases · smileyborg/UIView-AutoLayout
UIView+AutoLayout has been deprecated in favor of PureLayout which includes OS X support!
PureLayout v1.0.0 is 100% API compatible with v2.0.0 of UIView+AutoLayout and is very easy to migrate to.
Get the details on PureLayout here:
v2.0.0: Honed & Refined
- (Breaking change) Previously deprecated public API methods are removed
- New API method on NSLayoutConstraint to easily install constraints (automatically determining the correct view to add to)
- Additional variants of the autoDistributeViews... methods to optionally include inset spacing from the first and last views to their superview
- Calling the UIView+AutoLayout API methods on a view with translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = YES will now automatically update the property to NO
v1.3.0: Shortcut to Pin 3 Edges to Superview
- New API method that quickly pins 3 of the 4 edges of a view to its superview, excluding the 4th edge. This condenses a fairly common set of 3 lines of code into 1 line.
v1.2.0: Set Priority for Implicit Constraints
- New API methods allow the priority of the content compression resistance & content hugging implicit constraints to be set from within the block passed into the method
+[UIView autoSetPriority:forConstraints:]
v1.1.0: Cross Attribute Type Constraints
- Deprecate a few methods to encourage best Auto Layout practices, and clear up some confusion (please migrate to the suggested replacements, as these methods will be removed from the API entirely in a future release!)
- Introduce a brand new set of generic API methods that allow any ALAttribute to be constrained to any other ALAttribute of another view (e.g. one view's horizontal axis to another view's top edge)
- Minor internal cleanup and enhancements
v1.0.0: Redesigned and supercharged
UIView+AutoLayout has made it to 1.0! This is a major release, and it includes some breaking changes to the API from previous versions.
- Add new iOS 7 APIs for pinning views to the top & bottom layout guides
- Add a new category on NSArray which takes over the group of methods that act on many views
- Add prefixes to some existing method names to prevent namespace collisions
- Additional internal tweaks and optimizations
v0.9.0: Refinements
- Improve behavior when assertions are disabled (e.g. for release builds)
- Fix a bug with the detection of the current language being used in the app
- Enhance the constraint removal methods to preserve implicit constraints
- Add some warnings to the docs on the constraint removal methods
v0.8.0: API method naming improvements
- Rename the method removeAllConstraintsFromViewAndSubviewsIncludingImplicitConstraints
v0.7.0: Leading and Trailing attribute support
- Add support for the Leading and Trailing attributes as 2 new types of ALEdge (thanks to David Dancy for taking this on!)
- Fix the behavior of the absolute positioning method autoPinEdge:toPositionInSuperview:
v0.6.0: Preserve intrinsic content size constraints by default
- Modify the behavior of the removeAllConstraintsFromViewAndSubviews method to exclude the lower-priority intrinsic content size constraints by default
- Add a new method that will optionally remove all constraints, including intrinsic content size constraints
- Add new variant (with relation parameter) to the existing method that pins the edge of a view to the same edge of its superview with an inset