- The front-end client is written in BlazorWASM, and so can be hosted with any HTTP server.
- By default, the WebAPI project will also run the front-end, and host it at https://localhost:5001
- Dotnet Core SDK 6.0
- Docker
- IDE: VisualStudio / VSCode / Rider
From terminal at root directory:
docker-compose up -d
// this will run the container services required for the program to rundotnet run watch --project WebIngest.WebAPI/
// this will run the WebAPI project, which also hosts an instance of the UI
- There is a
file in root directory which can be used for developer controls like updating migrations & db-reset. - Database Migration script (entityframework) is executed by code in startup of WebAPI, no need to run
dotnet ef database update
- WebIngest.Common & WebIngest.Core are class libraries, they are not executable