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March 23rd, 2023

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Breaking Changes:

  • ⚠🎉 (all, smithy-rs#2467) Update MSRV to 1.66.1

  • ⚠ (client, smithy-rs#76, smithy-rs#2129) Generic clients no longer expose a request_id() function on errors. To get request ID functionality, use the SDK code generator.

  • ⚠ (client, smithy-rs#76, smithy-rs#2129) The message() and code() methods on errors have been moved into ProvideErrorMetadata trait. This trait will need to be imported to continue calling these.

  • ⚠ (client, smithy-rs#76, smithy-rs#2129, smithy-rs#2075) The *Error and *ErrorKind types have been combined to make error matching simpler.

    Example with S3


    let result = client
    match result {
        Ok(_output) => { /* Do something with the output */ }
        Err(err) => match err.into_service_error() {
            GetObjectError { kind, .. } => match kind {
                GetObjectErrorKind::InvalidObjectState(value) => println!("invalid object state: {:?}", value),
                GetObjectErrorKind::NoSuchKey(_) => println!("object didn't exist"),
            err @ GetObjectError { .. } if err.code() == Some("SomeUnmodeledError") => {}
            err @ _ => return Err(err.into()),


    // Needed to access the `.code()` function on the error type:
    use aws_sdk_s3::types::ProvideErrorMetadata;
    let result = client
    match result {
        Ok(_output) => { /* Do something with the output */ }
        Err(err) => match err.into_service_error() {
            GetObjectError::InvalidObjectState(value) => {
                println!("invalid object state: {:?}", value);
            GetObjectError::NoSuchKey(_) => {
                println!("object didn't exist");
            err if err.code() == Some("SomeUnmodeledError") => {}
            err @ _ => return Err(err.into()),
  • ⚠ (client, smithy-rs#76, smithy-rs#2129) aws_smithy_types::Error has been renamed to aws_smithy_types::error::ErrorMetadata.

  • ⚠ (server, smithy-rs#2436) Remove unnecessary type parameter B from Upgrade service.

  • 🐛⚠ (server, smithy-rs#2382) Smithy members named send were previously renamed to send_value at codegen time. These will now be called send in the generated code.

  • ⚠ (client, smithy-rs#2448) The modules in generated client crates have been reorganized. See the Client Crate Reorganization Upgrade Guidance to see how to fix your code after this change.

  • ⚠ (server, smithy-rs#2438) Servers can send the ServerRequestId in the response headers.
    Servers need to create their service using the new layer builder ServerRequestIdProviderLayer::new_with_response_header:

    let app = app

New this release:

  • 🐛🎉 (client, aws-sdk-rust#740) Fluent builder methods on the client are now marked as deprecated when the related operation is deprecated.

  • 🎉 (all, smithy-rs#2398) Add support for the awsQueryCompatible trait. This allows services to continue supporting a custom error code (via the awsQueryError trait) when the services migrate their protocol from awsQuery to awsJson1_0 annotated with awsQueryCompatible.

    Click to expand for more details...

    After the migration, services will include an additional header x-amzn-query-error in their responses whose value is in the form of <error code>;<error type>. An example response looks something like

    HTTP/1.1 400
    x-amzn-query-error: AWS.SimpleQueueService.NonExistentQueue;Sender
    Date: Wed, 08 Sep 2021 23:46:52 GMT
    Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.0
    Content-Length: 163
        "__type": "com.amazonaws.sqs#QueueDoesNotExist",
        "message": "some user-visible message"

    <error code> is AWS.SimpleQueueService.NonExistentQueue and <error type> is Sender.

    If an operation results in an error that causes a service to send back the response above, you can access <error code> and <error type> as follows:

    match client.some_operation().send().await {
        Ok(_) => { /* success */ }
        Err(sdk_err) => {
            let err = sdk_err.into_service_error();
            assert_eq!(error.meta().extra("type"), Some("Sender"));
  • 🎉 (client, smithy-rs#2428, smithy-rs#2208) SdkError variants can now be constructed for easier unit testing.

  • 🐛 (server, smithy-rs#2441) Fix FilterByOperationName plugin. This previous caused services with this applied to fail to compile due to mismatched bounds.

  • (client, smithy-rs#2437, aws-sdk-rust#600) Add more client re-exports. Specifically, it re-exports aws_smithy_http::body::SdkBody, aws_smithy_http::byte_stream::error::Error, and aws_smithy_http::operation::{Request, Response}.

  • 🐛 (all, smithy-rs#2226) Fix bug in timestamp format resolution. Prior to this fix, the timestamp format may have been incorrect if set on the target instead of on the member.

  • (all, smithy-rs#2226) Add support for offsets when parsing datetimes. RFC3339 date times now support offsets like -0200

  • (client, aws-sdk-rust#160, smithy-rs#2445) Reconnect on transient errors.

    Note: this behavior is disabled by default for generic clients. It can be enabled with

    If a transient error (timeout, 500, 503, 503) is encountered, the connection will be evicted from the pool and will not
    be reused.

  • (all, smithy-rs#2474) Increase Tokio version to 1.23.1 for all crates. This is to address RUSTSEC-2023-0001