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Releases: smithy-lang/smithy-rs

September 20th, 2022

20 Sep 12:44
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September 20th, 2022 Pre-release

Breaking Changes:

  • ⚠ (client, smithy-rs#1603, aws-sdk-rust#586) aws_smithy_types::RetryConfig no longer implements Default, and its new function has been replaced with standard.
  • ⚠ (client, smithy-rs#1603, aws-sdk-rust#586) Client creation now panics if retries or timeouts are enabled without an async sleep implementation.
    If you're using the Tokio runtime and have the rt-tokio feature enabled (which is enabled by default),
    then you shouldn't notice this change at all.
    Otherwise, if using something other than Tokio as the async runtime, the AsyncSleep trait must be implemented,
    and that implementation given to the config builder via the sleep_impl method. Alternatively, retry can be
    explicitly turned off by setting max_attempts to 1, which will result in successful client creation without an
    async sleep implementation.
  • ⚠ (client, smithy-rs#1603, aws-sdk-rust#586) The default_async_sleep method on the Client builder has been removed. The default async sleep is
    wired up by default if none is provided.
  • ⚠ (client, smithy-rs#976, smithy-rs#1710) Removed the need to generate operation output and retry aliases in codegen.
  • ⚠ (client, smithy-rs#1715, smithy-rs#1717) ClassifyResponse was renamed to ClassifyRetry and is no longer implemented for the unit type.
  • ⚠ (client, smithy-rs#1715, smithy-rs#1717) The with_retry_policy and retry_policy functions on aws_smithy_http::operation::Operation have been
    renamed to with_retry_classifier and retry_classifier respectively. Public member retry_policy on
    aws_smithy_http::operation::Parts has been renamed to retry_classifier.

New this release:

  • 🎉 (client, smithy-rs#1647, smithy-rs#1112) Implemented customizable operations per RFC-0017.

    Before this change, modifying operations before sending them required using lower-level APIs:

    let input = SomeOperationInput::builder().some_value(5).build()?;
    let operation = {
        let op = input.make_operation(&service_config).await?;
        let (request, response) = op.into_request_response();
        let request = request.augment(|req, _props| {
            Result::<_, Infallible>::Ok(req)
        Operation::from_parts(request, response)
    let response =;

    Now, users may easily modify operations before sending with the customize method:

    let response = client.some_operation()
        .mutate_request(|mut req| {
  • (client, smithy-rs#1735, @vojtechkral) Lower log level of two info-level log messages.

  • (all, smithy-rs#1710) Added writable property to RustType and RuntimeType that returns them in Writable form

  • (all, smithy-rs#1680, @ogudavid) Smithy IDL v2 mixins are now supported

  • 🐛 (client, smithy-rs#1715, smithy-rs#1717) Generated clients now retry transient errors without replacing the retry policy.

  • 🐛 (all, smithy-rs#1725, @sugmanue) Correctly determine nullability of members in IDLv2 models

Thank you for your contributions! ❤

August 31st, 2022

31 Aug 09:51
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August 31st, 2022 Pre-release

Breaking Changes:

  • ⚠🎉 (client, smithy-rs#1598) Previously, the config customizations that added functionality related to retry configs, timeout configs, and the
    async sleep impl were defined in the smithy codegen module but were being loaded in the AWS codegen module. They
    have now been updated to be loaded during smithy codegen. The affected classes are all defined in the module of smithy codegen.` This change does not affect
    the generated code.

    These classes have been removed:

    • RetryConfigDecorator
    • SleepImplDecorator
    • TimeoutConfigDecorator

    These classes have been renamed:

    • RetryConfigProviderConfig is now RetryConfigProviderCustomization
    • PubUseRetryConfig is now PubUseRetryConfigGenerator
    • SleepImplProviderConfig is now SleepImplProviderCustomization
    • TimeoutConfigProviderConfig is now TimeoutConfigProviderCustomization
  • ⚠🎉 (all, smithy-rs#1635, smithy-rs#1416, @weihanglo) Support granular control of specifying runtime crate versions.

    For code generation, the field runtimeConfig.version in smithy-build.json has been removed.
    The new field runtimeConfig.versions is an object whose keys are runtime crate names (e.g. aws-smithy-http),
    and values are user-specified versions.

    If you previously set version = "DEFAULT", the migration path is simple.
    By setting versions with an empty object or just not setting it at all,
    the version number of the code generator will be used as the version for all runtime crates.

    If you specified a certain version such as version = "0.47.0", you can migrate to a special reserved key DEFAULT`.
    The equivalent JSON config would look like:

      "runtimeConfig": {
          "versions": {
              "DEFAULT": "0.47.0"

    Then all runtime crates are set with version 0.47.0 by default unless overridden by specific crates. For example,

      "runtimeConfig": {
          "versions": {
              "DEFAULT": "0.47.0",
              "aws-smithy-http": "0.47.1"

    implies that we're using aws-smithy-http 0.47.1 specifically. For the rest of the crates, it will default to 0.47.0.

  • ⚠ (all, smithy-rs#1623, @ogudavid) Remove @sensitive trait tests which applied trait to member. The ability to mark members with @sensitive was removed in Smithy 1.22.

  • ⚠ (server, smithy-rs#1544) Servers now allow requests' ACCEPT header values to be:

    • */*
    • type/*
    • type/subtype
  • 🐛⚠ (all, smithy-rs#1274) Lossy converters into integer types for aws_smithy_types::Number have been
    removed. Lossy converters into floating point types for
    aws_smithy_types::Number have been suffixed with _lossy. If you were
    directly using the integer lossy converters, we recommend you use the safe

    fn f1(n: aws_smithy_types::Number) {
        let foo: f32 = n.to_f32(); // Lossy conversion!
        let bar: u32 = n.to_u32(); // Lossy conversion!


    fn f1(n: aws_smithy_types::Number) {
        use std::convert::TryInto; // Unnecessary import if you're using Rust 2021 edition.
        let foo: f32 = n.try_into().expect("lossy conversion detected"); // Or handle the error instead of panicking.
        // You can still do lossy conversions, but only into floating point types.
        let foo: f32 = n.to_f32_lossy();
        // To lossily convert into integer types, use an `as` cast directly.
        let bar: u32 = n as u32; // Lossy conversion!
  • ⚠ (all, smithy-rs#1699) Bump MSRV from 1.58.1 to 1.61.0 per our policy.

New this release:

  • 🎉 (all, smithy-rs#1623, @ogudavid) Update Smithy dependency to 1.23.1. Models using version 2.0 of the IDL are now supported.

  • 🎉 (server, smithy-rs#1551, @hugobast) There is a canonical and easier way to run smithy-rs on Lambda see example.

  • 🐛 (all, smithy-rs#1623, @ogudavid) Fix detecting sensitive members through their target shape having the @sensitive trait applied.

  • (all, smithy-rs#1623, @ogudavid) Fix SetShape matching needing to occur before ListShape since it is now a subclass. Sets were deprecated in Smithy 1.22.

  • (all, smithy-rs#1623, @ogudavid) Fix Union shape test data having an invalid empty union. Break fixed from Smithy 1.21 to Smithy 1.22.

  • (all, smithy-rs#1612, @unexge) Add codegen version to generated package metadata

  • (client, aws-sdk-rust#609) It is now possible to exempt specific operations from XML body root checking. To do this, add the AllowInvalidXmlRoot
    trait to the output struct of the operation you want to exempt.

Thank you for your contributions! ❤

August 4th, 2022

04 Aug 01:40
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August 4th, 2022 Pre-release

Breaking Changes:

  • ⚠🎉 (all, smithy-rs#1570, @weihanglo) Support @deprecated trait for aggregate shapes
  • ⚠ (all, smithy-rs#1157) Rename EventStreamInput to EventStreamSender
  • ⚠ (all, smithy-rs#1157) The type of streaming unions that contain errors is generated without those errors.
    Errors in a streaming union Union are generated as members of the type UnionError.
    Taking Transcribe as an example, the AudioStream streaming union generates, in the client, both the AudioStream type:
    pub enum AudioStream {
    and its error type,
    pub struct AudioStreamError {
        /// Kind of error that occurred.
        pub kind: AudioStreamErrorKind,
        /// Additional metadata about the error, including error code, message, and request ID.
        pub(crate) meta: aws_smithy_types::Error,
    AudioStreamErrorKind contains all error variants for the union.
    Before, the generated code looked as:
    pub enum AudioStream {
        ... all error variants,
  • ⚠ (all, smithy-rs#1157) aws_smithy_http::event_stream::EventStreamSender and aws_smithy_http::event_stream::Receiver are now generic over <T, E>,
    where T is a streaming union and E the union's errors.
    This means that event stream errors are now sent as Err of the union's error type.
    With this example model:
    @streaming union Event {
        throttlingError: ThrottlingError
    @error("client") structure ThrottlingError {}
    stream! { yield Ok(Event::ThrottlingError ...) }
    stream! { yield Err(EventError::ThrottlingError ...) }
    An example from the SDK is in transcribe streaming.

New this release:

  • 🎉 (all, smithy-rs#1482) Update codegen to generate support for flexible checksums.
  • (all, smithy-rs#1520) Add explicit cast during JSON deserialization in case of custom Symbol providers.
  • (all, smithy-rs#1578, @lkts) Change detailed logs in CredentialsProviderChain from info to debug
  • (all, smithy-rs#1573, smithy-rs#1569) Non-streaming struct members are now marked #[doc(hidden)] since they will be removed in the future

Thank you for your contributions! ❤

July 20th, 2022

20 Jul 17:50
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July 20th, 2022 Pre-release

New this release:

  • 🎉 (all, aws-sdk-rust#567) Updated the smithy client's retry behavior to allow for a configurable initial backoff. Previously, the initial backoff
    (named r in the code) was set to 2 seconds. This is not an ideal default for services that expect clients to quickly
    retry failed request attempts. Now, users can set quicker (or slower) backoffs according to their needs.
  • (all, smithy-rs#1263) Add checksum calculation and validation wrappers for HTTP bodies.
  • (all, smithy-rs#1263) aws_smithy_http::header::append_merge_header_maps, a function for merging two HeaderMaps, is now public.

v0.45.0 (June 28th, 2022)

28 Jun 23:07
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Breaking Changes:

  • ⚠ (smithy-rs#932) Replaced use of pin-project with equivalent pin-project-lite. For pinned enum tuple variants and tuple structs, this
    change requires that we switch to using enum struct variants and regular structs. Most of the structs and enums that
    were updated had only private fields/variants and so have the same public API. However, this change does affect the
    public API of aws_smithy_http_tower::map_request::MapRequestFuture<F, E>. The Inner and Ready variants contained a
    single value. Each have been converted to struct variants and the inner value is now accessible by the inner field
    instead of the 0 field.

New this release:

  • 🎉 (smithy-rs#1411, smithy-rs#1167) Upgrade to Gradle 7. This change is not a breaking change, however, users of smithy-rs will need to switch to JDK 17
  • 🐛 (smithy-rs#1505, @kiiadi) Fix issue with codegen on Windows where module names were incorrectly determined from filenames

Thank you for your contributions! ❤

v0.44.0 (June 22nd, 2022)

22 Jun 23:07
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New this release:

  • (smithy-rs#1460) Fix a potential bug with ByteStream's implementation of futures_core::stream::Stream and add helpful error messages
    for users on 32-bit systems that try to stream HTTP bodies larger than 4.29Gb.
  • 🐛 (smithy-rs#1427, smithy-rs#1465, smithy-rs#1459) Fix RustWriter bugs for rustTemplate and docs utility methods

v0.43.0 (June 9th, 2022)

01 Jun 18:51
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New this release:

  • 🎉 (smithy-rs#1381, @alonlud) Add ability to sign a request with all headers, or to change which headers are excluded from signing
  • 🎉 (smithy-rs#1390) Add method ByteStream::into_async_read. This makes it easy to convert ByteStreams into a struct implementing tokio:io::AsyncRead. Available on crate feature rt-tokio only.
  • (smithy-rs#1404, @petrosagg) Add ability to specify a different rust crate name than the one derived from the package name
  • (smithy-rs#1404, @petrosagg) Switch to RustCrypto's implementation of MD5.

Thank you for your contributions! ❤

v0.42.0 (May 13th, 2022)

13 May 23:20
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Breaking Changes:

  • ⚠🎉 (aws-sdk-rust#494, aws-sdk-rust#519) The aws_smithy_http::byte_stream::bytestream_util::FsBuilder has been updated to allow for easier creation of
    multi-part requests.

    • FsBuilder::offset is a new method allowing users to specify an offset to start reading a file from.
    • FsBuilder::file_size has been reworked into FsBuilder::length and is now used to specify the amount of data to read.

    With these two methods, it's now simple to create a ByteStream that will read a single "chunk" of a file. The example
    below demonstrates how you could divide a single File into consecutive chunks to create multiple ByteStreams.

    let example_file_path = Path::new("/example.txt");
    let example_file_size = tokio::fs::metadata(&example_file_path).await.unwrap().len();
    let chunks = 6;
    let chunk_size = file_size / chunks;
    let mut byte_streams = Vec::new();
    for i in 0..chunks {
        let length = if i == chunks - 1 {
            // If we're on the last chunk, the length to read might be less than a whole chunk.
            // We substract the size of all previous chunks from the total file size to get the
            // size of the final chunk.
            file_size - (i * chunk_size)
        } else {
        let byte_stream = ByteStream::read_from()
            .offset(i * chunk_size)
    for chunk in byte_streams {
        // Make requests to a service

New this release:

Thank you for your contributions! ❤

v0.41.0 (April 28th 2022)

29 Apr 14:40
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Breaking Changes:

  • ⚠ (smithy-rs#1318) Bump MSRV from 1.56.1 to 1.58.1 per our "two versions behind" policy.

New this release:

  • (smithy-rs#1307) Add new trait for HTTP body callbacks. This is the first step to enabling us to implement optional checksum verification of requests and responses.
  • (smithy-rs#1330) Upgrade to Smithy 1.21.0

0.40.2 (April 14th, 2022)

14 Apr 21:09
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Breaking Changes:

New this release:

Thank you for your contributions! ❤