Daisy now has documentation!
Mixed-precision tuning is now available through the
flag! -
Daisy now also has an online interface: http://daisy.mpi-sws.org/! It's a brand new feature, so please be patient while we work out all the kinks.
Daisy is set up to work with the simple build tool (sbt). Once you have sbt, type in daisy's home directory:
$ sbt
This will run sbt in interactive mode. Note, if you run sbt for the first time, this operation may take a substantial amount of time (heaven knows why). SBT helpfully prints what it is doing in the process. If you feel like nothing has happened for an unreasonable amount of time, abort and retry. This usually fixes the problem, otherwise try the old trick: restart.
To compile daisy:
> compile
To Daisy run an example:
> run testcases/rosa/Doppler.scala
Note that Daisy currently supports only one input file at a time. The above command should produce an output such as (your own timing information will naturally vary):
Extracting program
[ Info ]
[ Info ] Starting specs preprocessing phase
[ Info ] Finished specs preprocessing phase
[ Info ]
[ Info ]
[ Info ] Starting range-error phase
[ Info ] Finished range-error phase
[ Info ]
[ Info ] Starting info phase
[ Info ] doppler
[ Info ] error: 4.1911988101104756e-13, range: [-158.7191444098274, -0.02944244059231351]
[ Info ] Finished info phase
[ Info ] time:
[ Info ] info: 6 ms, rangeError: 360 ms, analysis: 6 ms, frontend: 2902 ms,
To see all command-line options:
> run --help
If you don't want to run in interactive mode, you can also call all of the above commands simply with 'sbt' prefixed, e.g.
$ sbt compile
You can also run Daisy outside of sbt. For this use
$ sbt script
which will generate a script called 'daisy' which includes all the necessary files. You can then run Daisy on an input file as follows:
$ ./daisy testcases/rosa/Doppler.scala
Some features of Daisy require additional software to be installed. Currently, this is
An SMT solver which can be used to improve ranges: Z3 [Linux] [Mac] and/or dReal [Linux]
MPFR for error under-approximation and transcendental calculations: [
apt-get install libmpfr4
] [brew install mpfr
In no particular order: Saksham Sharma, Einar Horn, Debasmita Lohar, Heiko Becker, Ezequiel Postan, Fabian Ritter, Anastasiia Izycheva, Raphael Monat, Fariha Nasir, and Robert Bastian.
There is no formal documentation, but the recent tool paper serves as a good starting point about the usage and the internals of Daisy.
To run Daisy in Intellij Idea you first have to install the Scala Plugin: Settings (Ctrl + Alt + S) -> Plugins. Choose Scala in the list and select "Install JetBrains Plugin ...". Then let Idea know where is your Scala (or make sure Scala SDK is already there): Project Structure -> Global Libraries -> New Global Library -> Scala SDK -> select the source folder for the SDK on your machine. Also make sure the Java SDK is set up for Idea (Project Structure -> SDKs -> check that your JDK is here or add it here).
Choose File -> New -> Project from Existing Source -> path-to-the-build.sbt-file or File -> New -> Project from Version Control -> Git -> and put git-rts@gitlab.mpi-sws.org:AVA/daisy.git into the URL field and select the destination folder for source files to be copied.
After the setup run Daisy in the Terminal of Intellij Idea using sbt as described above.
A big portion of the infrastructure has been inspired by and sometimes directly taken from the Leon project (see the LEON_LICENSE).
Especially the files in frontend, lang, solvers and utils bear more than a passing resemblance to Leon's code. Leon version used: 978a08cab28d3aa6414a47997dde5d64b942cd3e