This is my first theme so please be kind! But do still also let me know if you have any questions.
It's a simple theme heavily inspired by Ghost's default Casper theme. It is also an excuse to try TailwindCSS.
- TailwindCSS
- PurgeCSS
- Tailwind's Typograhy
- Prism
- NetlifyCMS
- Hyvor Commenting System
- Mathjax for writing math. I suggest you read this very helpful guide to get started
- Mardown for content
- HTML for template
- Webpack
Click this button and Netlify will do most of the hard work for you!
- You can clone the repository :
git clone my-blog-name
(if you are unsure what that means here is a really good set of instructions)
- Go to your directory/folder
- Install dependencies
npm install
- In the command line, still in the directory run the 11ty buid
npm run build:eleventy
- Run webpack
npm run webpack
run start
npm run start
You will want to change the information in site.json which can be found in src>_data.
You'll need to change the ID code in post.html (which can be found in sr>_includes>layouts) if you want to use Hyvor Talk and you will also need to set up an account. Your Hyvor id will be on the General Settings Page of the Hyvor Dashboard.
- Set up a netlify account if you do not already have one and add your repository to it, Here is a step by step guide
- In src>admin open config.yml in a text editor. Change the repo (repository) to your repository.
- In Netlify you will need to add github in identity>registrations
Go to tailwind.config to customize the styles. This template uses pre-flight.
Now supports
- Image shortcode using eleventy-img
- HTML minifier
- Markdown Callouts
- Fixed all posts to NJK